The Tacoma Downtown Lions Club was Chartered on November 10, 1921 with fifty-one members and lead by President Mort Howe. This made our club the 3rd Lions Club established in the State of Washington. Since 1921, Tacoma Downtown is proud to have sponsored 9 new Lions Clubs. They are Longview, Orting, Olympia Host, Eatonville, Tacoma Lincoln, Fife, Tacoma Northwest, Tacoma Narrows and Tacoma King Pierce Hana.
The club first met at the elegant and historic Tacoma Hotel, located at 9th and A Streets. They met there until the hotel burned down, and then started meeting at the Winthrop Hotel. Over the following decades, the club has met at several different locations, Crawford's Restaurant, 565 Broadway (the old Elks Club), University Union Club, Dugan's Restaurant, Doric Hotel, Harvester Restaurant, Bavarian Restaurant, Johnny’s Dock, Tacoma Bar and Grill, La Quinta Hotel, Tacoma Elks Club, Allenmore Golf Course, Denny’s Restaurant and the Pine Cone Restaurant where we currently meet.
While there was much fun and socializing over the years, the real focus has always been service to our fellow man.
We Serve
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.