
Lions International Peace Poster Contest

Journey of Peace - 2019

Every year, Lions Club International selects a theme for the annual Peace Poster Contest.  The year 2019 was the second time that Springfield National Trail Lions Club, in cooperation with the Springfield Museum of Art, held a local contest to receive entries.

This year's theme was Journey of Peace.  A representative from the Springfield Museum of Art reviewed and selected the posters for first, second and third place, using criteria of originality, artistic merit and expression of theme.  The first place poster will advance to the Lions District OH5 contest.  

Every one of these posters are valuable expressions of art, as each one provides a unique perspective on the theme Journey of Peace. 

Please enjoy!  

Marisol, Snyder Park 5th grade 

Artist: Marisol from Snyder Park School 


Artist:  Madison, from Perrin Woods School


Artist: Ed, from Perrin Woods School


Artist: Arianna, from Perrin Woods School


Artist:  Becca, from Cedar Cliff School


Artist:  Immanuel, from Perrin Woods School


Artist: Jamjere, from Perrin Woods School


Artist:  Da Jhon, from Perrin Woods School


2019 Contest Winners:

First Place: Second Place:

 Third Place:




Kindness Matters - 2018

Artist: Blake, from Lagonda School


Artist:  Chloe, from Horace Mann School


Artist: Paul, from Springfield Ohio


Want to participate in the 2020 Peace Poster Contest?
It's never too early to start planning your submission for next year's Poster Contest.  In order to be eligible to advance up through the Lions International Contest, consider these requirements as you plan:
  1. The contest is open to students who will be 11, 12 or 13 years of age on November 15, 2020.
  2. Artwork must be no smaller than 13 x 20 inches and no larger than 20 by 24 inches.
  3. The use of lettering or numbering in the artwork is not allowed, due to the international nature of the contest.
  4. Many media types accepted, but the artwork cannot be 3 dimensional in any way.  All artwork must be able to be rolled for shipping in a mailing tube.

The theme and more details to be announced later, but hope to see you in 2020!

More information about Lions International Peace Poster Contest here:



















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