

Forever...Onward...Recognize...Everyone's Vision...Excellent Record ! 
   The San Diego Forever Lions Club was chartered on March 30, 2007. It was sponsored by the San Diego Mt. Pinatubo Lions Club and co-sponsored by the San Diego Executive Lions Club. It was named after the "Forever Young Association of San Diego" in which most of the members that formed the club belongs to that association who are ballroom dancing enthusiasts,active and retired US Navy personnel, various professionals and business owners. We are known as the dancing club of the Lions in the District 4-L6 because we are mostly composed of very talented members and not just limited to ballroom dancers but also singers, disco jockeys, dance instructors, businesspersons, and artists.
Past Presidents 
Charter President LY 2007-2008:  Frank Rivera
LY 2008-2009 :    Bert Alota
LY 2009-2011 :    Leo Williams
LY 2011-2012:     Virginia Williams
LY 2012-2014:     Willie Gammad
LY 2014-2015:     Myrna Gammad
LY 2015-2018:     Ernie Tactay
LY 2018-2020:     Felix Mallorca
LY 2020-2022:     Sunny Francisco
LY 2022-2023:     Lee Francia
LY 2023-2025:     Joseph Ragonese
Club Officers LY 2022-Present
President:                      Joseph Ragonese
1st Vice-President:            Amante Reyes
2nd Vice-President:           Romm Viado                       
Secretary:                     Virginia Williams
Treasurer:                     Letty Sullivan
Membership Chair:             Lumi Clamor
Public Relation Officer:      
Service Chair:                 Rose Eberhard
Marketing Chair:               Gemma Butcher
Tail Twister:                     
Lion Tamer:                    Amante Reyes 
Club Webmaster:              Amante Reyes                                         
Board of Directors:
1 Year Term                               2 Year Term
1. Joe Alagar                                                          1.  Pel Maudsley
2.  Robert Bartolo                                                  2.  Chito Geniza          
3.  Roger Concepcion                                            3.  Eden Soliman           
4.  Lucy Long                                                                4.  Gene Tubao
5.  Clare Maudsley                                                5.  Frank Duerr
6.  Grace Catibayan                                              6.  Delilah Aviso
7.  Adelina Toledo                                                 7.  Imeda Concepcion
8.  Eleanor Sober                                                      8.  Romy Maraya   

Past President

1. PP Albert Alota                                                                  
2.  2VDG Leo Williams
3.  PP Virginia Williams
4.  PP Felix Mallorca
5.  PP Sunny Francisco
6.  IPP Lee Francia
TO SHOW my faith in the worthiness of my vocation by industrious
  application to the end that i may merit a reputation for quality of
TO SEEK success and to demand all fair remuneration or profit as my
  due, but to accept no profit or success at the price of my own self
  respect lost because of unfair advantage taken or because of
  questionable acts on my part.
TO REMEMBER that in building up my business, it is not necesssary to
  tear down another's; to be loyal to my clients or customers and true to
WHENEVER a doubt arises as to the right or ethics of my position or
  actions towards my fellowmen, to resolve such doubt against myself.
TO HOLD friendship as an end and not as a means. To hold that true
  friendship exists not on account of the service performed by one to
  another but that true friendship demands nothing but accepts service 
  in the spirit in which it is given.
ALWAYS bear in mind my obligations as a citizen to my nation, my state
  and my community and to give them my unswerving loyalty in word, act
  and deed. To give to them freely of my time, labor and means.
TO AID my fellowmen by giving my sympathy to those in distress, my aid
  to the weak and my substance to the needy.
TO BE CAREFUL with my criticism and liberal with my praise; to build
  and not destroy.


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