
Christmas sleigh & Easter float street and supermarket fundraising drives

 Each year in December we take our Christmas sleigh along with Father Christmas and his helpers out on to the streets of Scarborough collecting funds to help those in need. We also collect at Morrisons, Sainsburys and Proudfoot stores during December. Take a look at our calendar and see when the sleigh will be visiting your area.

We are delighted to announce that thanks to the generosity of the people of Scarborough we collected over £8000 during our 2024 Xmas sleigh runs and store visits.

In addition, thanks to their generosity in allowing us on to their premises, we also organise  Easter collections  at Morrison's, Sainsbury's and Proudfoot Scalby stores. View our calendar to see when we will be at the stores with our Easter Duck float!

 New Years Day Dip

 Our 2025 New Year's Day Dip will go ahead on January 1st 2025!!. 

Our 2024 New Years Day Dip was a huge success with over 150 dippers helping us raise thousands of pounds to help those most in need in our community. Thousands turned out on the South shore to see Scarborough's Mayor welcome the dippers before our Town Crier sent them on their way into the cold North Sea. Well done to all who took part!.

If you want to take part in our 2025 Dip we would like you to get sponsorship for a charity of your choice. 75% of the money you collect will go to your charity of choice with the remaining 25% kept by us to help those in need in our local area.

The timetable, registration form and the 2 parts of the sponsorship form can be found below. Please ensure that you complete all the forms before arriving at the registration desk which will be near our minibus and will be clearly signposted on the day. As in previous years changing facilities will be available in the Scarborough Rowing Club. 

There will be prizes on the day for the best team fancy dress, the best individual fancy dress and the best child under 11 fancy dress.


The timetable for the event can be found here. Please note that all times are approximate, so if you have family and friends coming to watch they must be aware of this fact. Tell them to get there early, just in case!


The registration for the dip can be found here. Please ensure that we have all the information we need to contact you and your chosen charity. If you plan to bring money on the day of the dip please put down the amount of money you bring and which charity you want the 75% to go to. If your chosen charity is Scarborough Lions Club, thank you so much. All monies collected for Scarborough Lions will go to those in need in our community. None of the money is used for administration of the Club as we pay for this through our  annual  subs.


Part1 of the sponsorship form can be found here. Part 2 of the form can be found here. Please ensure you keep a copy if you still have money to collect after you complete the dip.

If for any reason you cannot download these forms please email Alan Deacon on  and he will send you copies of them. If you are not planning to dip a toe in the North Sea on New Years Day come along anyway and cheer on the brave souls who will do so to help their favourite charities.




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