
JOIN HWLC LIONS: For more details about how to join our local HWLC Lions Club call 415-686-3807 for Dr. Cherie Safapou.Thank you.




Thank you for your continued support for the Sausalito Health & Wellness Lions Club to (HWLC) to promote the Healthy Habits Initiative (HHI) and lifestyle choices to general populations. Welcome to The Health & Wellness Branch Lions Club website.


Izzy Alvarez - September 21, 2019 - "No Student is an Island" - CLICK HERE


UNA-SF membership, Wise Wishes Retreat, and Health & Wellness Lions Club work - CLICK HERE.



The Health & Wellness Branch Lions Club of Sausalito, California (HWLC) has joined with Wise Wishes Retreat (WWR) to develop a Center for the Advancement of Health, Wellness, Non-Violence, Peace and Social Justice. We envision a multi-ethnic and interdisciplinary Center that advances the study and practice of personal and social transformation to improve well being and combat violence in all its forms. We are particularly interested in practices that remove injustice and other barriers to meaningful and real peace.

  Global Need for Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among youth aged 10-24. In a national survey conducted by The Jason Foundation, the #1 person to whom a student would turn, to help a friend who might be suicidal, was a teacher.

According to a recent National Crime Victimization Survey and UNICEF:

  • 20% of US students ages 12-18 report being bullied.
  • 1 in 3 students said they had been the victim of cyberbullying, and 1 in 5 reported skipping school due to cyberbullying or violence as expressed in a study of students across 30 countries.
  • 2 in 3 students said they are worried about violence in and around schools in a poll of 1 million young people from 160 countries conducted by UNICEF.
  • More than 1/3 of students have experienced bullying. More than 1/3 have been involved in physical fights.
  • and the California state divorce rate is on the rise at 6.7% for every 1000 married women according to


HWLC and WWR has created a forum for the study of violence, violence prevention, better nutrition/physical fitness, and social and personal well being by examining the issues from an interdisciplinary multicultural perspective. Our workshop event(s) would be housed within a local retreat or resort center for the duration of our 15-day program. The program may also be adapted into two consecutive 3-day weekends or a one day/wk college course for 15-weeks at 3 hours/day.

HWLC  and WWR will bring together health professionals, practitioners, educators, scholars, students, and community members to examine and develop strategies that increase self-efficacy, and a sense of well-being among student populations. Moreover, we are interested in empowering young people to focus on adopting Healthy Habits Initiative (HHI) lifestyle choices and reducing the impact of violence and neglect in their lives by strengthening their emotional intelligence and building pathways to success.

HWLC and and WWR are  particularly interested in creating higher learning opportunities for US Veterans, global youth and middle/high school students and parents to change their circumstances thereby breaking the cycle of violence, unhealthy imbalance, obesity, and student dropout rates, while providing them the tools to engage society in effective ways to affect and improve positive outcomes in their personal lives.

  Background - Continued Student Research Studies

The vision for the effort evolves from a Join Together Lions partnership between The International Association of Lions Clubs, HWLC, and Wise Wishes Retreats. as well as San Francisco State University’s College of Ethnic Studies from 2007 until December 2019. HWLC intends to offer an alternative non-clinical intervention designed to focus on individual and social skills development to instill and promote self-management skills that reduce the incidences of violence, suicide, obesity, dropouts, and other destructive behavioral patterns. We intend to offer academically rigorous socially engaged scholarships with the overall aim to empower multi-national and multi-ethnic communities to discover best outcomes and new opportunities in the areas of health, nutrition, personal fitness, education, and self-determination.


Our services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We are merely offering
safe, unobtrusive, non-clinical retreats that may or may not exert one or more beneficial effects.


Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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