President: : Rex J T Yu
Secretary : Frank Huang
Treasurer : Julie Chen
Membership: Antony Chen
Organized : October 25, 1993
The Incoming Events
"Birds and Water Dance Ensemble"
Exciting our lives with Dancing
Dear Lions Clubs Leaders and Fellow Members:
Re-A Unique Dancing Event Featuring Disable Dancers Performance
Date: May 15, 2010 Saturday at 2:30 p.m.
Location: Evangelical Formosan Church of Los Angeles
9537 Telstar Ave. El Monte, CA 91731
San Gabriel Taiwanese Lions Club is proud to co-sponsor a dancing event by a Taiwanese dance ensemble formed by people with physical, visual and other disabilities. In their dancing practices, the dancers have had a great courage to overcome various difficulties, constantly encouraged each other, and have always displayed their creativities and dedication with a goal to bring happiness to all. After viewing video clip of their dancing performance, I was fascinated by dancers’ elegant dancing movements and also greatly moved by their dedications to the best that is beyond their abilities.
You are invited as my guests to enjoy this unique dancing performance. You presence means so much to the dancers, not only to show your appreciation of their splendid dancing performance but also to express your support of their high spirit of life.
Rex J. T. Yu, President
San Gabriel Taiwanese Lions Club
"Birds and Water Dance Ensemble"
Exciting our lives with Dancing
"Birds and Water Dance Ensemble" is the first dance ensemble formed by people with physical, visual and other disabilities in the Taiwan.
Combining the art of dancing and growth of the mind, they have explored the artistic potentials of the people with disabilities. They enhanced people's mind, enriched the quality of daily lives, promoted the special arts and culture development, and further purified our general practice in the society.
"Birds and Water Dance Ensemble" was founded in 2003. Through sharing and applying the special arts of dancing, the members have repeatedly overcome various difficulties, constantly encouraged each other, and have always displayed their creativities with a goal to bring happiness to all. Over the years, they have participated in the educational programs of schools and prisons to raise awareness of life. While raising social awareness, the troupe has also generated cooperation, passion, agility, and encouragement amongst its members.
Originating from the purest motive, this group of disabled dancers through their unique style and perseverance has managed to attain self-understanding and life-fulfillment, thereby engendering a joy of dance, which has created a moving and reflective experience for the audience. With high self expectations, the members hope to pursue a higher artistic state of mind. By utilizing their tremendous passion for art, they aim to dance the beauty of life, thereby creating a greater self-actualization.
圖:美國台灣人獅子會今年第5次參與Eldridge Rice小學舉辦的愛國日活動。(攝影:袁玫/大紀元)
【大紀元2月18日訊】(大紀元記者袁玫柔似蜜市報導)美國台灣人獅子會今年第5次參與了Eldridge Rice小學舉辦的愛國日活動。17日上午數百位學生在校長約翰特默斯(John Turmes)帶領下,以歌唱話劇等表演節目,瞭解學習美國歷史及文化。獅子會的獅兄獅姐在現場解說國旗日的意義,並以球形棒棒糖贈與出席學生共慶農曆新年。
美國台灣人獅子會會長余忠村說明,每年,台灣人獅子會都很認真的舉辦國旗日的活動,從過去的美好經驗,大家決議今年再回到柔似蜜市的 Eldridge Rice小學舉辦。在與校長約翰特默斯接洽後,欣然接受,而且建議我們的國旗日,再度配合今年學校的愛國日活動一起舉行。
位處柔似蜜市的Eldridge Rice小學,已有42年曆史,亞裔學生佔半數以上,校長約翰特默斯表示,每年都舉辦的愛國日,通常選擇在總統日前後舉行,一連兩天的活動節目多樣化,有歌唱也有話劇表演,節目不但非常精彩而且意義深長。
圖:美國台灣人獅子會今年第5次參與Eldridge Rice小學舉辦的愛國日活動。(攝影:袁玫/大紀元)
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