
Rosthern Lions Club was chartered March 4, 1957 and currently has 34 members. September through May, regular meetings are held the last Monday of the month at the Lions Hall, 2008 - 6th Street, Rosthern.  The District Governor's visit typically takes place at the November meeting, and a June barbecue and social winds up the year of service.  Check our calendar for upcoming meetings, events and fundraisers.

Current Projects:

May 31 - weather permitting, and provided our rides pass inspection - we will be running the rides during the soccer tournament in Rosthern.  

-  Fundraising for new Rosthern Hospital - Our Club made a $75,000 commitment over 4 years, and      we already have over $60,000 of that raised and set aside in savings

-  Town and Country Fair parade and midway rides

-  Blood Donor Clinics - next one is July 8, 2014 at St. Odilon Parish Centre    

-  Lions Mint sales 

-  Project Pride                               

-  Peace Poster Contest

-  Lions Speak-off                         

-  Chocolate Easter Bunny sales

-  Next Pasta Night   -  April 18,  2015 - mark your calendar                            

-  eye glass recycling

Community Involvement:

Rosthern Elementary School Playground Project 2014 ($3,000 donation) 

Rosthern Lions Club has been proud to be a major sponsor of the following:

Valley Regional Park                      

Rosthern Jubilee Sports Centre arena and curling rink

Valley Aquatic Centre                     

Lions Playground

Rosthern Community Multipurpose Centre

Station Arts Centre

Rosthern Hospital

We also support:

Saskatoon Lions Band

Cavalcade for Diabetes

Dog Guides




Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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