

The Friendship Club

What is a Lions Club? Is it a Sonority Organisation? Do you have to be “Someone Special” to be a member? Do you have to be a Business Person? The answers are No, Just be an invited person.

The person who is or has asked you to come to a dinner meeting believes you will be a good member and enjoy being part of the largest Service Organisation in the World. Our Motto is simply “We Serve” We do not discuss politics or religion or any matters that could cause embarrassment to others.

We meet twice a month, on the 3rd Tuesday of each month a Dinner at Belveder Hotel,  Woody Point and on the 4th Thursday of the month at the Woody Point Memorial Hall at the corner of Hornibrook Esplanade and Oxley Avenue Woody Point. This is a Board of Directors (a Business) meeting wherein all Club Members are invited to attend and give input. This meeting starts at 7.00 pm and has no meal.

Our Club was created by the amalgamation of the Lions Clubs of Redcliffe Peninsula (Est. 1956 the 65th Club in Australia) and the Lions Club of Redcliffe City (Est. 1968). There are over 2,000 Lions Clubs in Australia divided into 19 Districts, Queensland has 4 Districts ours being 201Q3. Our District stretches from the Moreton Bay Region to Charleville in the west,102 Lions, Leo and Lioness Clubs in all.

Our amalgamated Lions Club of Redcliffe has contributed greatly to the needs of our Redcliffe Community. Some of our community projects are: Woody Point Park; Jim Trigger Arbour at Clontarf; Jamieson Park at Scarborough; The Lookout at Redcliffe Point; Endeavour Foundation Building in Hutchison Street, Redcliffe; The Redcliffe Fountain and Gardens.

We have also contributed greatly to Lions Kidney and Medical Research Centre at the Princess Alexandra Hospital; We support the search for cancer cures, peri-natal research; Australian Drug Awareness programs; Hearing and Seeing Eye Dogs; Youth Exchange; Australian Children’s Mobility Program and Australian Childhood Cancer; School Chaplaincy; Youth of the Year Programs and numerous other programs that help the under privileged, infirm and needy.

Our Club membership is divided into 3 Committees with the Executive (President, Secretary and Treasurer) being exofficio to each committee. The 3 Committees are:- Finance; Administration and Projects. Club members select which committee they believe their talents are best suited for.

 We call ourselves “THE FRIENDSHIP CLUB” That is because we care for our own members first, have fun, even to once a month getting together for a fun night when we chat, have fun playing poker (not gambling. We are forever mindful of the capabilities of ourselves and the people we are working with and ensure we or our friends are not placed in an insecure position. Every Lion wants to help on a working bee, project, sausage sizzle, raffle, coffee on the beach, Easter Egg Hunt,

Work is not hard if you enjoy it.

Yours in Lionism, Neil Tyler (Immediate Past President).


Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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