
The Puyallup Valley Lions club is a not-for-profit service organization focused on serving those in need.  We were chartered in November 1976,  in the greater Puyallup Valley area to be part of the global effort for assisting those who are either blind or partially sighted and engaging in other amazing acts of community service in Puyallup.

In addition to eyeglasses and hearing aids, we fund graduating high school student scholarships, dictionaries for 3rd grade students at four local elementary schools, back to school supply drive, a coat drive, Christmas gifts for children in need and other projects in our community.

Our Fundraisers include Apple Sales, Poinsettia Sales, Spaghetti Feed, Bunco, Garage Sale and White Cane Days. We would appreciate your support, we can not do it without the communities assistance, we are very grateful for in-kind and monetary donations, in addition to needing volunteers, physical items that can be sold at our annual garage sale, items that could be used in a gift basket or raffle item or small new items for our back to school drive, toileteries for the homesless. 

Become part of a team of community-oriented individuals who have a fun time helping others. Stop by the Puerto Vallarta Mexican Restaurant and join us for lunch to find out more about what we do.



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Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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