Welcome to the Home of
the Palm Coast Lions
To Donate to Palm Coast Charities Click Here
Palm Coast Lions Club no longer accepts Zelle for payment for any of our events. Payment for any of our events is handled only through Lions Club members. We do not use any outside source or coordinator to collect any money. Please do not use Zelle or Venmo to make a payment to anyone who says they are an event planner for our club.
Welcome 2024-25 Lions Leadership Board.
President Lion Amy Dumas First Vice President Lion Colleen Ochs
Secretary Lion Rebecca Asher Treasurer Lion Joe Langello
Tail Twister Associate Member, PDG Mike Ryan
Lion Tamer Lion Jean-Pierre Dumas Membership Committee Chair Lion Abby Baker
Leo Club Advisors Lions Shara Brodsky & Nina Guiglotto
Chaplain Lion Brian Guiglotto
1 Year Directors Lions Kay Click & Shara 2 Year Director Lions Janet Fonseca
We Celebrate 50 years of serving the
Flagler County CommunitY
Click here to view archive of Past Officers
Welcome our newer members of the Palm Coast Lions Club who will all receive their certificates at our next meeting on January 8th, where our mayor will conduct our proclamation for our 50 years of Service in the Palm Coast Community: Pictured: Shara Brodsky, Brian Guiglotto, & Jean-Pierre Dumas. Not pictured: Kay Click & Staci Rentz.
We celebrated our 50th Anniversary Charter at the Grand Haven Golf Club on November 18th, 2023. 
To Donate to Palm Coast Charities Click Here
Leos Sorting Eyeglasses
Before our September meeting, 11 Lions and 9 Leos (including advisor Melissa Castaneda), sorted the used eyeglasses that had been collected over the summer. The eyeglasses recycled included: 370 pairs of clear prescription glasses, 190 readers, 170 bifocals, 95 sunglasses, 45 prescription sunglasses and 30 soft cases. Next step in the recycling of these donated eyeglasses is a 5 step cleaning and washing process. Prescription eyeglasses are then sent to the Lions Project Right to Sight to be recalibrated and prescriptions are determined on an instrument which generates a label for the eyeglasses. The glasses are then bagged, tagged and stored at the Project Right to Sight warehouse. Before the Covid Pandemic, a free clinic was held in Orlando, where optometrists donate their time to fit clients with these repurposed eyeglasses from the warehouse. Hopefully, the clinic will resume soon. Often a missionary group will take several 1000 pairs (or more) of eyeglasses with them on a sight mission trip anywhere around the world. The final destination for these donated eyeglasses is the smiling face of a person who can now see better thanks to your donation of these glasses. “Thank you” residents of Flagler County for supporting the Lions efforts to preserve the Gift of Sight for those in need.
Please use our Secure PayPal link below to make a donation.
The Lions are very proud to sponsor Southeastern Guide Dogs who provide Service Dogs for the visually impaired and Veterans. Visit the link below to learn about the 300th class . They need your help, please support.
The Lions show their civic pride with Adopt a Road the every other month. Our section to keep clean is Old Kings Highway N from Farmsworth to Forrest Grove. You wouldn't believe the things we pick up!! Please join us in this effort to keep the Palm Coast roadsides free of litter.
Congratulations to Lion Jim Murphy upon receiving a Melvin Jones Fellowship
The Melvin Jones Fellowship is the highest award presented to a Lion for dedication to humanitarian services. Lion Jim has served our community for over 20 years. He has been the Leo Clubs Advisor for most of those years, teaching high school students the value of community service and leadership. Thanks Mr. Murphy from all your students past and present.
Location of Used Eyeglasses Collection Containers
Flagler County Public Library-Palm Coast
Tax Collector's Office Old Kings Rd., near Staples
Eye Care Express Old Kings Rd.
Eye Style Optical - Winn Dixie Shopping Center
Government Services Bldg., Rt. 100, Bunnell
Vince Carter Rehab. Center off Rt. 11, Bunnell
Plantation Oaks Clubhouse
Flagler Beach Library
Tomoka Eye Center at the Medical Bldg
VFW Palm Coast
Information About Lions Clubs and How to Find a Club Near You
Click on: http://www.joinusinservice.com/ to learn about Lions Clubs International and Lionism in general. The site contains short snippets of information about: Our Mission, What We Do, Organizations We Support, Services We Provide, Fundraising, We Have Fun!, Its Rewarding to be a Lion, Contact Information and Find A Lions Club. We hope you will find the site informative. After reviewing website content, if you are interested, you are very much welcomed to join us for a meeting…. for an up close and personal Lions experience.
After clicking on the link above and learning more about Lionism hopefully you will be interested in joining the Palm Coast Lions. Please contact President Amy Dumas at smartcheekana@gmail.com (314-737-3340) or Membership Chair Abby Baker at abbybaker@hotmail.com.
How is Your Vision?
Please click on "Our Award Winners" on the left to see
our latest Melvin Jones Fellow and Lions of the Year
and other Award Winners
If you would like to donate from this website using your
Credit Card or PayPal please click the
DONATE Button.
To specify what or who the donation is for first enter your information then click on the orange box that says "Review Donation and Continue."
On that screen, click on “A special note about this donation” to
reveal a box for entering text about your donation. For example, use
that comment box if your donation is in someone’s honor or memory or if
you want your donation to be allocated to a specific event.
If you would like more info about donating please contact
Joe Langello, Palm Coast Lions Treasurer
Click here to view a Lion PSA on Vision Screening
For any eye/vision related questions please contact:
Sight Conservation Chair: Janet Fonseca
Phone: 347-673-3458 email: janetrfonseca@outlook.com
For assistance with hearing aids please contact:
Hearing Conservation Chair: Janet Fonseca
Email: janetrfonseca@outlook.com
Phone: 347-673-3458
Can you spare a couple of hours a week to help those less fortunate?
Become a member of this very important team.
Recycling containers can be found at the Flagler County Public Library in Palm Coast and Flagler Beach. These eyeglasses are boxed each month and delivered to Daytona on their way to refurbishing.
Each year, Lions clubs around the world proudly sponsor the Lions International Peace Poster Contest in local schools. This Contest encourages young people worldwide to artistically express their visions of peace. Students, ages 11, 12 or 13 on November 15, are eligible to participate. Each year's contest consists of an original theme incorporating peace. Participants use a variety of mediums, including charcoal, crayon, pencil and paint, to express the theme. The works created are unique and express the young artists' life experiences and culture.
All members of the Palm Coast Lions Club are unpaid volunteers
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.