


     Lions Club of  Padukka- Siyanepura

  Club Members  

Our vision

                                       "Value for Life"

                    "All human beings have a right to have a great life like you and me. But most of the people are under previlaged and do not enjoy a better life. Hence all what we do, should lead to add a value to the life of needy human beings".

Our mission

  We are commited to

                      1. Make an Invesment to future

                                            Our main projects are aimed to enhance the quality and the productivity of education of the educational institutes of the area. We expect to produce intelligent and productive young people to take the leadership of our country.

                      2. Uplift the productivity of agriculture

                                           Though Sri Lanka ia an agricutural country,the most of our people are farmers & their economic conditions are well below the accepted average income level. The main reason is the land not utilized properly and agricultural practices are not upto the standard. Hence we do our best to enhance the agricultural productivity of the dwellers of Siyanepura to make their lives better.

                      3. Enhance the productivity of individuals.

                                           To enhance the living conditions of human beings, we need our self to be productive. Hence we are commited to develop individuals to make their lives better. We initiated this with our own club members, friends and neighbours.




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