

Oakdale Lions Club Presents


The 33nd Annual Don Osborne Memorial Run  2025

5K Run and 1Mile Run/Walk


Where: Race begins at the William Meyer Park  behind the Oakdale Library (G Street and South Second Ave)  Course is on flat, paved city streets with traffic control

When:  Saturday, February 1st, 2025           ( RAIN OR SHINE )

Registration packet pickup                           8:00 – 9:15a.m.

1 Mile Run/Walk                                           9:00 a.m     

5K Run                                                         9:30 a.m

Awards Ceremony                                       10:15 a.m.

            Registration: Pre-Registration by January 5th  (includes T-Shirt )

   $25.00 Adults  $10.00  Children (9-18) under 9 Free

        Make checks payable to:  Oakdale Lion’s Club

       Mail to: Oakdale Lions  Club  P. O. Box  550

                                                                  Oakdale, CA 95361     

                                 Race Day and Online Registration $25.00


Awards:  Gift Certificates to overall male/female winners in both races

                    Medal awards for top 3 finishers in each age division, both races

                    Light snacks, fruit, juice available to all participants

Division:  Separate male/female divisions, age groups for each race

1-Mile Run/Walk: 5 & under, 6-9,10-12 13-15, 16-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49,50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80+

 5-K Run: 12 & under, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80+

Call Alan at 209-602-8821 or email at


Name: __________________________________         Sex ____  Age________    

Address: ________________________________        Shirt Size   _____________

City: ______________________Zip: ___________        1 mile______ 5K_______

Phone: (_____) __________________E-Mail Address________________________

Waiver: In consideration of your acceptance of my entry, I hereby, for myself, my executors and administrators, waive any and all rights and claims for damages I may have against the person, sponsors, City of Oakdale, the Oakdale Lion’s Club and organizations affiliated with the Oakdale Lion’s Club.  I further attest that I am physically fit and by signing this form I acknowledge I have read and fully understood my own liability and do accept the restrictions.

Signature: _______________________________________Date:____________________________

Parent or guardian if applicant under 18 years of age

Online registration is available at:



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