                   The New Waterford Lions Club

                    In our 67th year of serving the community!

Officers for 2023-2024

President, James Williams; Treasurer, Ron Simon; Secretary, Zachary Taylor; Membership Chairman, Don Johnson.

Officers 2023-24; Frank Armstrong, Asst. Secy;Frank Snyder, Asst. Treas.;Patrick Taylor,Dir.Tamra Hess, 2nd VP; Don Johnson, Memb. Chairman; Ralph Papania, 1st VP;Ron Simon, Treasurer; Zachary Taylor, Secretary; PDG Wayne Christen; Jim Williams, Pres.

Please call Frank Armstrong (330-692-2949) if we may be of any assistance to you during this time.  Thank you and stay safe!!

We meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month.   We gather in the New Waterford Community Building at 6:30pm for dinner.  Meetings start at 7pm.  Please call Frank Armstrong at 330-692-2949 if you would like to join us.

Former Leo Club Members are always welcome!  Please join us as we SERVE others!

Anyone in our area who would like our help with eyeglasses or exams please call Lion Dave Forinash, Sight Chairman at 330-457-2022.






























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