Lion Udyog Kumar Piya
Guiding Lion: Lion Prabhat Kumar Joshi
Inauguration Date: May 16, 2002
Chartered Date: June 28, 2002
Charter President: Lion Raj Kumar Shrestha, MJF, Membership # 546401
Charter Secretary: Lion Roshan Maskey, Membership # 541025
Charter Tresurer: Lion Harka Gurung, Membership #541021
Club No.: 066412
Identity No.: 5467
Major Regular Activities: Free Cataract Surgery Camp
Lions Excellence Award
Souvenir Publication
Peace Poster Contest
Health Camp/Stationary Distribution/Sports Events for MR Children
Blood Donation
Diabetese Awareness
Objectives: To provide humanitarian aids through volunteer service to the
community and to serve disabled ( intellectually handicapped ) people with
international cooperation.
Club Extension: Lions Club of Chitwan Rhino City
Lions Club of Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital
Leo Club of Narayangarh Diyalo
Scheduled Meeting: Every 1st. & 3rd. Saturdays at 08.00 hrs.
Venue: Rhino Guest House, Juna Cinema Road, Narayangarh, Chitwan
Mailing Address: Amber Everest English Boarding School, Bharatpur, Chitwan
Tel.: +977 56 521515 (H)/520363 (W)
Cell: +977 98450 55666
1. Lion Raj Kumar Shrestha 2. Lion Heera Singh Gautam
3. Lion Bhola Prasad Tuphan 4. Lion Ishwar Kumar Shrestha
5. Lion Roshan Maskey 6. Lion Harka Gurung
7. Lion Rajendra Devkota 8. Lion Nirmala Shrestha
9. Lion Madan Pradhan 10. Lion Raj Kumar Shrestha ( Advoc.)
11. Lion Bhuwan Acharya 12. Lion Suman Kumar Shrestha
13. Lion Poornima Shrestha 14. Lion Dina Nath Neupane
15. Lion Suresh Kumar Shrestha 16. Lion Ashok Sherchan
17. Lion Dr. Bhakta Man Shrestha 18. Lion Bhagwan Kumar Joshi
19. Lion Narayan Parajuli 20. Lion Prachanda B Singh Thakuri
21. Lion Pushpa Lal Piya 22. Lion Rishi Prasad Lamichhane
23. Lion Som Nath Khanal 24. Lion Suresh Kumar Khadgi
25. Lion Shiva Kumar Rajbhandari 26. Lion Yogendra Paneru
1. Lion Raj Kumar Shrestha Charter President
2. Lion Heera Singh Gautam Charter 1st. VP
3. Lion Bhola Prasad Tuphan Charter 2nd. VP
4. Lion Ishwar Kumar Shrestha Charter 3rd. VP
5. Lion Roshan Maskey Charter Secretary
6. Lion Harka Gurung Charter Treasurer
7. Lion Rajendra Devkota Charter Jt. Secretary
8. Lion Nirmala Shrestha Charter Jt. Treasurer
9. Lion Madan Pradhan Charter Lion Tamer
10. Lion Raj Kumar Shrestha ( Advoc.) Charter Tail Twister
11. Lion Bhuwan Acharya Charter PRO
12. Lion Poornima Shrestha Charter Director
13. Lion Suman Kumar Shrestha Charter Director
14. Lion Dina Nath Neupane Charter Director
15. Lion Suresh Kumar Shrestha Charter Director
1. Lion Raj Kumar Shrestha President
2. Lion Bhola Prasad Tuphan 1st. VP
3. Lion Ishwar Kumar Shrestha 2nd. VP
4. Lion Roshan Maskey 3rd. VP
5. Lion Rajendra Devkota Secretary
6. Lion Harka Gurung Treasurer
7.. Lion Rishi Prasad Lamichhane Lion Tamer
8. Lion Raj Kumar Shrestha ( Advoc.) Tail Twister
9. Lion Nirmala Shrestha Membership Director
10. Lion Suman Kumar Shrestha Director
11. Lion Dina Nath Neupane Director
12. Lion Ashok Sherchan Director
13. Lion Prachanda B Singh Thakuri Director
1. Lion Bhola Prasad Tuphan President
2. Lion Raj Kumar Shrestha Immediate Past President
3. Lion Ishwar Kumar Shrestha 1st. VP
4. Lion Roshan Maskey 2nd. VP
5. Lion Rajendra Devkota 3rd. VP
6. Lion Raj kumar Shrestha ( Advoc.) Secretary
7. Lion Harka Gurung Treasurer
8. Lion Nirmala Shrestha Jt. Secretary
9. Lion Poornima Shrestha Jt. Treasurer
10. Lion Rishi Prasad Lamichhane Lion Tamer
11. Lion Ishwari Baniya Tail Twister
12. Lion Mana Kumari Sen PRO
13. Lion Bhuwan Acharya Membership Director
14. Lion Dina Nath Neupane Director
15. Lion Yogendra Prasad Paneru Director
16. Lion Shiva Kumar Rajbhandari Director
17. Lion Bhagwan Kumar Joshi Director
1. Lion Ishwar Kumar Shrestha President
2. Lion Bhola Prasad Tuphan Immediate Past President
3. Lion Raj Kumar Shrestha (Advoc.) 1st. VP
4. Lion Nirmala Shrestha 2nd. VP
5. Lion Harka Gurung 3rd. VP
6. Lion Dina Nath Neupane Secretary
7. Lion Suresh Kumar Shrestha Treasurer
8. Lion Saraswati Katila Jt. Secretary
9. Lion Ishwari Baniya Jt. Treasurer
10. Lion Rajendra Bikram Thapa Lion Tamer
11. Lion Mana Kumari Sen Tail Twister
12. Lion Khem Raj Poudel PRO
13. Lion Poornima Shrestha Membership Director
14. Lion Dr. Bhakta Man Shrestha Director
15. Lion Bhagwan Kumar Shrestha Director
16. Lion Krishna Prasad Acharya Director
17. Lion Janardan Poudel Director
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.