Chartered in October of 1935, the Massena Lions Club continues to serve the community in a variety of ways. Weekly meetings provide a forum for club members to meet over lunch to discuss means for employing our motto: We Serve. Members have the opportunity to become active through a variety of roles that range from leadership initiatives to hands-on service throughout the community.
In May of 1988, Joan Campbell became the first female member of the Massena Lions Club and went on to become the first female president in 1992, starting a proud tradition of shared contributions by all. Carol Perry will be installed as the FIRST District Governor from the local Club in July 2011 at the International Convention in Seattle, WA.
Membership in the Lions Club is bestowed upon individuals who are sponsored by club members in good standing and have the characteristics and dedication to provide contributions to the welfare of our community, both locally and globally. We encourage your careful consideration; with your sponsor you can attend several meetings as a guest to see if you feel you could contribute to our organization and the community.
How do Massena Lions Serve?
The primary effort, aligned with the International focus, is to aid the visually impaired and blind. Our club has provided exams/eye glasses for children and adults in need of financial help; provided early vision screening for over 550 young children annually; we suuport the North Country Association for the Visually Impaired, as well as donate to Leader Dog, a project that works with guide dogs, refer patients to and donate funds the Albany Lions Eye Institute. We thoroughly enjoy providing annual Christmas party for county ARC residential clients and spending time as bell ringers during the holiday season. We have sponsored an International Lions Peace Poster contest in all the elementary schools in community for five years. We raise extra funds so we can annualy make donations to Campaign Sight First II so others around the world can see; Massena Lions also contribute to service projects that assist others such as:
Massena Memorial Hospital Foundation, St. Vincent de Paul, Salvation Army, Juvenile Diabetes, Massena Neighborhood Center, we sponsor several minor sports teams, we donate and give funds to Empire State Speech & Hearing Clinic/Camp Badger, Scholarship for graduating senior, Participate in Adopt-a-Highway program, we sponsor LEO'S Club at High School, donate to the new Diabetes Program at the Massena Free Clinic, and have Adopted a Platoon in Afghanistan.
In addition, global projects are also supported by our club through Lions Club International and NYS/Bermuda Lions Foundations. The Massena Lions Club also participated in building a Habitat for Humanity home as a district wide project.
As time changes, our club responds to the social needs of our community and adapts service efforts as the need arises.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.