
The Maplewood-Oakdale Lions Club announces its intent to award several $1000 scholarships to graduating high school seniors who will be attending an accredited college or vocational-technical school in the fall of 2025.

Interested students will need to:

1) Download and fill out the application at the location available from their guidance counselor or here.

2) Attach a brief statement (one page) explaining your career plans, the reason for your choice of career, and how you see your educational plans supporting that choice.  Please highlight your service in the community (from above) and your plans for service in the future.

3) Submit a letter of recommendation from a school faculty member or an unrelated adult. 

4) Email a copy of their recent high school transcript.

The application along with supporting documentation should be emailed to by May 1, 2025.  

Winners will be notified by May 20, 2025.  We thank everyone for applying and expressing an interest in this scholarship program.

The Lions wish you the very best in your future academic pursuits.


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