Welcome to the Chorley and Leyland Lions Clubs website, on this site we hope to give you some idea of what we do for the community and how at the same time we enjoy a great social life, have fun and gain fellowship with other Lions clubs.
All our fundraising is to raise funds for charitable causes and we will give you some idea of how the money we raise is spent.
If you have any questions about us, any comments about this site, or are interested in joining us, please use the Contact Us page to get in touch by e-mail or telephone.
Chorley and Leyland Lions Club is part of the world's largest service organisation: Lions Clubs International
We are part of Lions District 105CN which itself is part of Multiple District 105 covering the whole of Great Britain and Ireland.
Have you ever wondered how the Blind Persons white stick came about ?
The introduction of the white cane is attributed to George A. Bonham of Lions Clubs International. In 1930, a Lions Club member watched as a man who was blind attempted to cross the street with a black cane that was barely visible to motorists against the dark pavement. The Lions decided to paint the cane white to make it more visible. In 1931, Lions Clubs International began a program promoting the use of white canes for people who are blind.
Our History
Lions are more than 1.4 million strong . . .men and women . . . young and old. You will find us in more than 180 countries and geographical areas from the hinterlands of Australia and Brazil to thriving urban centers like New York City and Milan. We speak dozens of languages and vary in nature and customs. We share a common spirit.
Since our beginning in 1917, we have been united in a single cause: helping those less fortunate. We are tackling the tough problems like blindness and drug abuse as well as diabetes awareness and finding help and training for the deaf, disabled, underprivileged and the elderly. In fact, whatever the community needs to make life better, we're there to help.
We are the youngest major social service organization, yet we have grown to be the worlds largest. We are succeeding because we have embraced all those committed to building a brighter future for the world and for themselves. And, with a new generation of enlightened members, Lions clubs are working smarter and faster with greater commitment than ever before.
We are the Lions...and, WE SERVE.
To see a video "Who Lions are and What Lions do" click Here
LIONS CENTENNIAL YEAR: Read the latest article regarding a new metal lectern displaying the history of Lions Clubs International placed in Worden Park Here
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.