History of Club
Lions club of Kozhikode Nanma was inaugurated on 16th March 2013, by our then District Governor Ln. Engineer. Vineesh Vidyadharan MJF. The club was started with 24 charter members. We are really proud that our club was sponsored by the Lions club of Calicut North. Our guiding Lions were Late Ln. K K Ravi Kumar and Ln. Engineer. PS Gopakumar. Our charter presidents were Ln Prema Kumar PMJF, secretary Ln Sudhin Kumar MJF and treasurer Ln VP Jyothi Prakash MJF.
Lions club of Kozhikode Nanma has been recognized as a model club. Lions club of Kozhikode Nanma currently has 37 members. Off these 37 members, 7 members are Melvin Jones Fellows.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.