Huffman Lions Club Inc.
It all started with a group of 33 civic minded folks lead by the club's first president , James U Ingram. The group got together on May 27 of 1971 and the Huffman Lions Club was chartered. The sponsoring club was the club accross the lake, known as The Humble Noon Club. The purpose of a club in Huffman was simple; to make a sleeply bedroom community a better place to live for all.
Over the past 39 years the club as seen many members grace it's membership rolls. They have come from all backgrounds to unite together, serving our community and those in need.
Only one member from the original 33 charter members is still active today. Known to most as simply "Bud", James E. McCune continues to support the Huffman Lions. Bud has serviced all club positions except treasurer, serviced numerous positions on the District' 2-S2 cabinet and has services as District Governor. Bud and his wife Jane (a 25 year member of the club) now resides in **** but still stays in contact with the club and it's members.
Today as in the beginning our club provides eye exams and glasses to area school children, supplies durable medical equipment to those in need, supports the Huffman Food Bank, send children with disabitiies and type 1 diabetes to the Texas Lions Camp in Kerrivelle Texas, Provides First Grade Readers to all Huffman ISD First Graders. The walking trail and outdoor classroom at Ben Bowen Elementary was make possible from a grant from Lions Club International Foundation.
Recently the club has sponsored Huffman Little League, Lions' Community Easter Egg Hunt, Huffman and New Caney/Porter Scout troops, Humble Bike Ride, Project Graduation, Special Olympics and Kid Fish for Disabled Children.
In addition to our local projects our members also support district, state, national and international programs such as the Texas Lions Camp, Lions Eye Bank of Texas, Lions Humanitarian Relief Fund, Texas Lions Foundation, Texas Eye Glass Recycling, Houston Ear Research, Hearing and Speech Action, Taping for the Blind, Canine Companions for Independence, Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership, Youth-Student Exchange, Lions Quest International and Lion Club Foundation International
In 2008 the club's name changed slightly to Huffman Lions Club Incorporated. The incorpation was necessary for the club to become a IRS recognized 501(c) 3 non-profit organization.
Funding for Lions projects comes from serveral sources, membership dues, club fundraisers, corporate donations, grants and procedes from our sponsorship of the Katy Bingo Hall. It's also ironic that many of the people we have helped in the past, now help support our efforts.
The Huffman Lions meet twice monthly on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, 7:30pm at the May Community Center. All meeting are open to the public and we do encourged the public to attend. Membership in our club is private, by invition only. Anyone interested in becoming a member should contact any member or call 281-323-9471 for information.
Original Charter Memebers on May 27, 1971
John W Andree, Luther C Flinn, James U Ingram, Dorwayne L James, CC LaRowe, James E McCune, William H McCune, John W Oaks, Claude L Stamper Jr, Elden D Sumrall, Charles B Swank, Thomas E Tayman, Charles H Walker, Fred E Porter, Wallace P Wolcott, Ben R Bowen, Kenneth D Rhodes, Joe E Heslep, Loran L Owens, Russell J Husted, Gerald M Williams, James j Saurage Jr, Dean Hylton, Claude L Stampton III, Ray Todd, Cecil L McKnight, D E Rinkel , L Lynn Tyler, Peter Fick, Billy J Smith Shirley Dean Helms, Roy Seaberg Jr, Richard K Blackburn
Lions Clubs International, Triumph of an Idea
The International Association of Lions Clubs began as the dream of Chicago insurance man Melvin Jones, who wondered why local business clubs -- he was an active member of one -- could not expand their horizons from purely business concerns to the betterment of their communities and the world at large.
Jones idea struck a chord within his own group, the Business Circle of Chicago, and they authorized him to explore his concept with similar organizations from around the United States. His efforts resulted in an organizational meeting at a local hotel on June 7, 1917.
The 12 men who gathered there overcame a natural sense of loyalty to their parent clubs, voted the "Association of Lions Clubs" into existence, and issued a call for a national convention to be held in Dallas, Texas, USA in October of the same year.
Thirty-six delegates representing 22 clubs from nine states heeded the call, approved the "Lions Clubs" designation, and elected Dr. William P. Woods of Indiana as their first president. Guiding force and founder Melvin Jones named acting secretary, thus began an association with Lionism that only ended with his death in 1961.
That first convention also began to define what Lionism was to become. A constitution and by-laws were adopted, the colors of purple and gold approved, and a start made on The Lions Objectives and Code of Ethics.
One of the objects was startling for an era that prided itself on mercenary individualism, and has remained one of the main tenets of Lionism ever since. "No Club," it read, "shall hold out the financial betterment of its members as its object."
Community leaders soon began to organize clubs throughout the United States, and the association became "international" with the formation of the Windsor, Ontario, Canada Lions Club in 1920. Clubs were later organized in China, Mexico, and Cuba. By 1927, membership stood at 60,000 in 1,183 clubs.
In 1935, Panama became home to the first Central American club, with the first South American club being organized in Columbia the following year. Lionism reached Europe in 1948, as clubs were chartered in Sweden, Switxerland, and France. In 1952, the first club was chartered in Japan. Since then, the association has become truly global, with clubs in more than 170 countries and geographical areas worldwide.
The Name
The proper name of the association is "The International Association of Lions Clubs." Many Lions, however, prefer the use of the shorter form of "Lions Clubs International."
The Emblem
Throughout the world, Lions are recognized by the emblem they wear on their lapels. It consists of a gold letter "L" on a circular purple field. Bordering this is a circular gold area with two lion profiles at either side facing away from the center. The word "Lions" appears at the top, and "International" at the bottom. Symbolically, the lions face both past and future -- proud of the past and confident of the future. Lions wear their emblem with pride.
The Motto
The motto of every Lion is simply "We Serve". What better way to express the true mission of Lionism?
The Slogan
The slogan of the association is "Liberty, Intelligence, Our Nations Safety (LIONS).
Official Colors
The royal colors of purple and gold were selected as the official colors when the association was organized in 1917. Purple stands for loyalty to friends and to ones self, and for integrity of mind and heart. Gold symbolizes sincerity of purpose, liberality in judgement, purity in life and generosity in mind, heart and purpose toward humanity.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.