
Club's History:

The Houston Midwest Lions Club is a (brain child or dream or collaborative effort) of few dedicated former Lions which have a long, admirable and substantial voluntary service to the community. It started at a timely phase in their life's beautiful journey. And what else is to add to one's humble (bountiful) existence is their burning desire to continue their service to mankind thru Lionism. They dreamed of it as a family service oriented club, so one day during thanksgiving, fittingly enough as they thank God for their good health and fortune they met. At the next meeting the list of prospective members continued to grow as they have asked and inspired their children and family members to join the wonderful world of Lionism. By January 9th the then District Governor Charles Martin came to the meeting. DG Charles Martin held and supported the members together and thus 28 members were submitted to Lions Club International and the name Houston Midwest Lions Club was born. The officers were elected on January 23, 2010. DG Charles Martin so willingly became the guiding Lion together with Lion Bud Casey of Houston Cyfair Lions Club. Houston Cyfair Lions Club who have a history of 53 years of exceptional service to Lionism became the proud sponsor. The Charter was granted by Lions Club International on February 3, 2010. With much enthusiasm amongst the group, the membership grew to 34 charter members by the time the charter was celebrated on April 10, 2010. The President of the Texas Lions League for Crippled Children - Past District Governor Dennis Heitcamp, accompanied by her granddaughter Maura Heitcamp, was the keynote speaker. The Board of Directors were sworn in and members were inducted and what a grand time for all the charter members of Houston Midwest Lions Club and guests.

The members and officers of the Houston Midwest Lions Club are fully dedicated to their mission and vision of their club.



To dedicate ourselves in providing humanitarian needs of our community thru voluntary services, with kindness, good fellowship and absolute adherence to the Code of Ethics, Constitution and by Laws of Lions Club International and observance of good citizenship.

To inspire, motivate and foster growth of Lionism amongst the Filipino American community thru partnership and collaboration with community leaders in pursuance of charitable endeavors locally and internationally.



Houston Midwest Lions Club shall be empowered to lead and excel in servicing the community around us and beyond.



Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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