Horncastle & District Lions Club Changeover Dinner.
Lion President Andrew Tuxworth wanted to do things differently this year. The “collar” of office was formally handed over to his successor Lion Bob Wayne not in a stuffy room but high in the sky on top of the tower of St Mary’s Church and every one of the Lions dressed in appropriate PPE made it up the winding stairs and ladders to the roof. No problem with permission, 2/3rds of the church building team are Lions!
Continuing the break with tradition, President Andrew called in favours from the Lions’ many friends. The venue was the Tennyson Room at the Manor House Centre, recently renovated by the Lions. The food was prepared by Mo and Mary from the Luncheon Club. The magnificent beef joint came from the Club’s butcher Ian Mellor and the “stars” from Clarence House, a home for people with learning difficulties, did the waiting. The Lions, long term supporters of both organisations, presented cheques for £150 to the Luncheon Club and Clarence House Residents.
In his final speech as President, Andrew said that he was proud of the things Horncastle Lions had achieved during the past year. Record sums were raised by events such as the Town Bonfire and car boot sale and as usual the money was quickly turned round into local projects. On the service side, the Lions found a new home for and in a matter of weeks had built a new Community Larder. Only last week the Lions had turned out to install the Town’s new horse sculptures. The most memorable event, Andrew said, had been the “Fight Cancer the Viking Way” 150 mile walk from Rutland Water to the Humber Bridge. £2000 was raised for cancer research but the real beneficiaries were those who had the opportunity to take part in what was for most of the walkers the challenge of their lives.
In reply President Elect Bob acknowledged that he had “big shoes to fill” but the Horncastle Club was probably in as good shape as it has ever been. In a serious moment he did point out that in a recession with many social service budgets being squeezed the demand for an organisation whose motto is “We Serve” could in the coming year be as great as ever.
Lion Bob a retired technical director has been a Lion for 28 years is the first member of Horncastle Lions to become president for the third time.
Soon to be Immediate Past President Andrew hands a cheque for £150 to the Clarence House Residents