Hilo Crescent City Lions at our Monthly Food Drive Service Project for the Food Basket at KTA Puainako on Saturday, July 1st, 2017. Please join us every 1st Saturday of the Month at KTA Puainako at 10am-1pm.
Upcoming Club Events:
July 11th - Club Meeting (date changed due to 4th of July Holiday)
July 19th - HCCL Installation Dinner at Hilo Yacht Club
August 1st - Monthly Club Meeting
August 5th - HCCL Food Drive at KTA Puainako from 10am-1pm
Hilo Crescent City Lions Goals
Club Vision –
- H – Help our community through monthly service projects & quarterly fundraisers.
- C – Creating meaningful fundraisers to donate to the Hawaii Lions Foundation.
- C – Community involvement, actively invite them to join us in service & fundraising projects, and develop strong ties to make a difference for the people of the Big Island.
- L – Leadership development for our youth through our Leo’s Program.
We Serve
We humbly invite all who are interested in making a difference on the Big Island of Hawaii. Please feel free to check our club events calendar and join us at our service & fundraising projects.
Lions Video of the Month
Want to be a Lion & "Rock The Vest?" Go to our contact us page, become a Lion Today!
Check us out on our Facebook Page.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.