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YouTube Video - Lions Making A Difference
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Helping Students
Lions Deborah and Audrey donate students personnel hygiene items Greenwood Elementary School.
Christmas Party Frolics
Christmas Service Project
Lions Deborah, Audrey, Shirley and Matt shopping for items of clothing to give to deserving school students of need. Students were identified by school officials.
Lion Deborah makes delivery to school officials.
Preemie Hats
Club hand knitted 40 plus preemies hats for intensive babies at McLeod Hospital. Lion Deborah, the knitter, making presentation.
Frolics During Fundraiser
Lion President Harvey and the Immediate Past President enjoyed themselves at the fundraising event.
We Appreciate You
Certificates of Appreciation presented to Bob and Diane Gifford, Pee Dee Farmers Market, for use of space in fundraising event.
Guest Speakers
Mrs George; teacher Greenwood Elementary and husband, Mr. George, Wilson High School admin visited club to talk about her project suppling hygiene goodies to students and families.
Book Bag Donations
Book bags donated to The Counseling Center with school supplies. Bags donated to Moore Middle school with school supplies and to Greenwood Elementary with hygiene supplies and school supplies.
This student started school without a book bag. Lions made it happen. This is why we do what we do. Changing lives one at a time.
Eyeglasses Donation
Francis Marion University Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Xi donates a collection of used eyeglasses at tailgate event. Lions Audrey and Deborah are in receipt.
(Click on video image above)
YouTube Video - Lions Club Rap
(Click on above link)
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.