
Welcome to the Floreat Lions Club, Perth, Western Australia


Floreat Lions Club is a community group, diverse in membership, run by community-minded members. We provide a platform for members to give back to their communities through volunteering and community support. 

We support our local schools, sporting groups, animal welfare and global causes such as relief from drought, hunger and diseases.

To join simply Contact Us by Email at we look forward to hearing from you.

10 Great Benefits of Being a Lion

Lions Clubs International September 09.2021

There's nothing like being a Lion. We make a difference in our communities and in the lives of the people we serve. And even though Lions spend most of their time giving, they also get so much in return. Here's a look at some of the great benefits of being a Lion.

  1. The fun and fellowship - Service isn't just meaningful. It's fun. We build new friendships in our clubs and new connections in our communities. We laugh. We bond. We serve, and we do it with a smile and an open heart.
  2. Opportunities to lead - Lions are leaders in their community, organizing projects that meet real needs. And you have opportunities to become a club officer so you can put your leadership skills to work for your club. Lions International offers online and in-person training that can take your leadership to the next level so you can learn, lead and grow.
  3. Tools to put your kindness in action - A great project takes great planning. Service Project Planners give you the tools to serve global causes right in your local community.
  4. A global Foundation that magnifies your service impact - Lions are supported by a world-class global foundation-Lions Clubs International Foundation. LCIF provides grant funding that helps Lions take on bigger projects that can bring lasting change. And when you contribute to LCIF and Campaign 100, you help ensure LCIF can continue supporting our efforts to serve a world in need.
  5. Being a part of something big - Lions are a big family. A really big family. We are 1.4 million men and women in 48,000 clubs in nearly every country on earth. We are changing our communities, club by club. And together we are changing the world.
  6. Tech made just for Lions - Lions are always on the go. That's why we developed Lions digital tools like MyLion. MyLCI and Connect to make it easier to be a Lion and manage your club. Your Lion Account gives you access to it all, so get signed up today.
  7. You get when you give - Did you know that helping others actually helps you? A recent article in Psychology Today states that "Research has found many examples of how doing good, in ways big or small, not only feels good but also does us good." Volunteering improves our happiness, health and sense of well-being, and decreases symptoms of depression. Giving is a win-win!
  8. All the great Lions gear - Everyone loves to show their Lion's pride, and there's no better way than wearing a Lions International-branded hat, shirt or vest while serving your community. Start shopping!
  9. That ah-ha moment - Every Lion joins a club, but every member has a story about the moment they truly became a Lion. That day when you helped someone who had nowhere else to turn. The tears of joy. The heartfelt thanks. The hope you restored through your kindness. That's why we're Lions.
  10. An international staff that's here to serve you - No one serves like a Lion, and Lions International is your team of dedicated professionals that's here to serve you. We're here when you need us, and be sure to explore for great info and resources to help you and your club.

These are just some of the great benefits of being a Lion. So be sure to take advantage of everything your club and your membership have to offer. And share the joy of being a Lion by inviting a friend or family member to join you in service.

So make the most of each day and make the most of your membership!

We are your local Lions Club and We Need New Members to continue our work

You may have enjoyed attending one of our many local events including:

  • Carols by Candlelight - Quarry Amphitheatre
  • Australia Day BBQ - Perry Lakes Oval
  • Rose Garden Pruning Event - Cambridge Street
  • Community fundraising 
  • Lions Youth of the Year
  • Cambridge Canines 
  • Children of Courage

Being a Lion does not put demands on your time.

Attendance at meetings is not mandatory.

Membership just means staying connected to your club.

Have a say in how Lions can help support your community through projects and sponsorship. Your reward for membership is something you can be proud of!

Interested in becoming a member? Click Here


Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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