


Our Ongoing Can and Bottle Drive


or call Lion Steve Crecco at 860-515-1551 to arrange for pick up


We sadly announce the passing of Lion Ronnie Wilson. 

Ronnie Wilson joined the East Hartford Lions Club in Feb. 2008. He was sponsored by PCC Kathy Randall. He immediately became active in all club fund raisers and service projects. He also participated in our social activities including mystery rides and summer picnics. Lion Ronnie took particular interest in supporting the district's fishing derby which was held for many years at Salters pond in Manchester. Each year he would drive several blind East Hartford residents to the derby. Ronnie saw his role as a Lion as one that was first and foremost service centered. He was not particularly focused on moving up in the leadership chairs, although he did volunteer to serve on our board of directors several times.
Lion Ronnie Wilson's quiet leadership was noted by his fellow Lions. In 2013 he was awarded a Melvin Jones Fellowship, the highest honor a club can bestow on a member. The following year, Ronnie received the Ambassador of Sight award from the Low Vision Center in appreciation of his service to people who are blind.


Please click the "Donate" button below to make a general donation to the East Hartford Lions Foundation.


The East Hartford Lions Club has been actively involved in making the Town of East Hartford a better place to live and work.

Contact Membership Director, Kathy Randall, if you are interested in attending a club meeting. Kathy can be reached by phone at 860-989-9412, or by email at


Lions KidSight Pediatric Eye Screenings

The East Hartford Lions have been screening pre-school and school age children in East Hartford for many years to detect eyesight issues that might go undetected until the children are older.  



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