























Easingwold District Lions Club, in partnership with the Graham Fulford Charitable Trust (GFCT), is offering free Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) tests to older men in the Easingwold & Villages local community. Lions clubs across the UK have been successfully sponsoring PSA testing with GFCT for many years. GFCT was founded by Graham Fulford to raise prostate cancer awareness after losing a close friend and relative to the disease.

The PSA test is a simple blood test that can help detect prostate cancer early, when it is most treatable. Early detection is crucial as prostate cancer often shows no symptoms initially. Recent studies suggest that early treatment can significantly prolong life.

However there is conflicting advice about PSA testing, so it is recommended to discuss it with your doctor, considering your risk factors and preferences. GFCT provides healthcare professionals and arranges laboratory analysis for the tests.

However it is the best there is at the moment and it is what we have to work with. The fact is that Prostate Cancer is difficult to detect reliably and so the medical profession advise to report any symptoms of concern to their GP. But the fact remains that some men with early Prostate Cancer do not show any symptons at all. Hence we are bringing GFCT to Easingwold to test men who may not have any symptoms but are nonetheless concerned enough to check any possibility.

The three main risk factors for Prostate Cancer are:

1. Men over 50 year of age

2. Men with a family histoty of Prostate Cancer

3. Men from an enthic background,

Key Statistics

  • About 15% of men who have prostate cancer do not have a raised PSA level.  
  • Three out of four men with a raised PSA level don't have prostate cancer.
  • One out of four men with a raised PSA level will have cancer.
  • Two out of three men who have a biopsy don’t have cancer.
  • Biopsies in one in five men fail to spot prostate cancer.



The event will be on 21st September at the Galtres Centre, Market Place, Easingwold, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Attendance is free but requires an online appointment. If you need to cancel, please do so promptly to allow others to attend.


To book an appointment:

1. Visit or scan the QR code.

2. Sign in or register on the site.

3. Verify your account via the email sent.

4. Log out and then log back in by typing the URL into your browser.

5. Select the event and time.

6. Complete the form and medical questions, then confirm details.


For assistance or phone bookings, call GFCT at 01926 419959.


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