Charity No SCO 49145
Christmas Trees
Don't forget our fantastic Christmas Tree Photo competition in conjunction with the Christmas tree sale event. The winner gets a voucher for a free tree next year 


We meet at the Cairndale Hotel, Dumfries every month on the 2nd Monday at 7.30pm. Anyone interested in attending, without obligation, please email us on:
If you are an individual or an organisation and would like to submit a request for assistance, the address is Dumfries Lions Club c/o 19 Grieve Walk Heathhall Dumfries DG13SY or email us on the above address.
Our Club is part of the International Association of Lions Club which is the largest community service organisation of its type in the world. Help for the local community is the prime object of any Lions Club because our motto is "We Serve". We like to think of ourselves as good doers rather than "do gooders" and we are people who care about people. We are willing to serve our community and we enjoy fellowship and get satisfaction from participating in a job well done.
Since 1981, the Club has made a significant contribution to the local community and to the advancement of the Lions organisation in Scotland. It is estimated that we have raised over half a million pounds for local charities and other good causes during the last forty years and the Club is now one of the most active in Scotland.
Locally the Club has provided help for youth, pensioners, the sick, the hearing and visually challenged, the disabled and many local groups. The Lions in fact are interested in helping anyone who needs assistance provided that sufficient resources are available.
We have participated in many Lions' projects including eye camps, water wells, Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF), Young Ambassador, youth football and the hosting of young international visitors.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.