
The Des Plaines Lions Club is "ROARING" back into existence. 

The Des Plaines Lions Club is one of the oldest clubs in the Lions International Organizaion. 

Our club was chartered on May 16, 1924, 7 years after the formation of the first Lions club in Chicago, IL. 


We are a small but mighty club dedicated to revitalizing the Lions Club in Des Plaines.


We actively support our community’s “School Backpack” hunger program. 

We support our self-help panty & closet with donations.

We work to keep the Lions Woods Forest Preserve in Des Plaines clean (land originally purchased for the community by the DP Lions in the 1930s) with the help of the Clean Up Give Back organization. 

We’ve helped the Des Plaines letter carriers with their annual food drive in May.

We obtained all of the medical supplies shown below to donate to Project Cure to be sent to Ukraine & other areas of the world desperate for medical supplies.

We’ve donated gift cards to Des Plaines Angels to provide Christmas gifts to children in the community.

We sponsor youth basesball in Des Plaines to provide opportunities for all children to have this summer experience. 


We march in our 4th of July parade to create visibility for what we do & support community events.

We collect glasses, hearing aids, and other items for recycling by our Lions of Illinois Foundation.

We recycle thin plastic (think shopping bags) to keep them out of landfills and we are very near getting a custom bench donated that we can place in the community.

Come Help Us Grow

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram. 

Facebook @desplaineslions

Instagram @desplaineslions



Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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