

Welcome to the Decatur Lions Club

The Lions Club in Decatur, Georgia was chartered in 1932. The first President was W.J. Scott, and the first secretary was Thomas H. Collins. The motto of Lions Club International, "We Serve" was adopted at the first meeting, and the Decatur Lions Club has been serving Decatur and DeKalb County for the many years. In 2025, the Decatur Lions Club will celebrate 93 years of service in Decatur, Georgia and DeKalb County, Georgia. 

The Decatur Lions Club supports a variety of causes which are outlined below:

* Georgia Lions Camp,Inc for the visually impaired,  5626 Laura Walker Rd. Waycross, Ga. 31503,

* Donating food  for the hungry to the Decatur Emergency Assistance Food Pantry.

* Donating used eye glasses to the Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation, Inc. 5582 Peachtree Rd. Chamblee, Ga. 30341; 404-325-3630;

* Assembling supply packs for the childhood cancer project which are donated to hospitals.

* Collecting used eye glasses and used cell phones for refurbishing and re-distribution to needy persons. 

* Donating to Lions Club International Foundation for disaster relief in the United States and other countries.

* Supporting  diabetes awareness programs for adults, young adults, and children.




Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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