Dear LION Leaders of our Club and our Dist 324 A6 and all LIONs around the world
Welcome to our E-club House and web site.
Much pleased to inform that our 1st Board and regular Meeting was conducted and many useful decisions about future conductiing meetings and Projects(services) were discussed. Our Club Secretary-LION Dinesh Kumar and our Treasurer Desikan M Setlur were pouring their thoughts on various services and projects enabling our Club to be an asset to our Indian Nation besides to the Universe.
Looking forward to many more productive meetings with support and cooperation of all our Members and in the Interest of our Universe to prove that WE SERVE.
Thanks and I remain,
Yours humbly for Service,
LION 'Sevai" S R Mukundan
+91 ( 0 ) 93802 43123
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.