Meet the latest Melvin Jones fellows Kylie Merrett and Patrick O'Donoghue.
The Club was founded in October 1968 by the Brisbane Ekibin Lions Club. We were Chartered on the 25th January 1969 by the District Governor at the time, Lion Jim Casey, with 28 members. A couple of interesting projects in our early years were a Dogathon (a walkathon with dogs (about 30) and a Glaucoma Screening at the Holland Park State School (one of the many projects held with and for the school), we processed over 180 people on the day and had seven positive results.
We ran the District 201 Q5 Convention in 1982 at Coolangatta Tweed Heads which turned out to be a successful and happy few days. We even had the "Seekers" as our Friday night entertainment.
Our fund raising at this time revolved around meat trays and the Lucky Number machines in the Holland Park Hotel - we have been very fortunate over a period of 46 years to have a good relationship with the hotel and it continues to this day.
Other major projects undertaken by the Club have been the:
- State Final of the Youth of the Year Quest at Brisbane City Hall with around 700 people present
- Fund raising for the Lions Cord Blood Bank at the Mater Hospitals Complex
- Managing the Lions Paralympic Appeal on four occasions
- Lions Australia Operation Smile project
- MD Lions Prostate Cancer Project Australia; just to mention a few which we are still involved with to this current day.
We ran a very successful and financial 201Q1 District Convention in 2009 for then District Governor John Lynch this was held at the Acacia Ridge Hotel.
201Q1 District Convention 4th,5th,6th, November 2022 at the Calamvale Hotel in conjunction with Brisbane Camp Hill Carindale we hosted this spectacular for District Governor Ian Bruning.
Unveiling the plaque at CB Mott Park Holland Park 29th June 2024 check out our photo gallery.
Many wonderful people have joined our Club and are working on innumerable projects carried out all in the tradition of the Lions motto:
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Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.