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A member of Lions Clubs International
Club President Welcome Address
Welcome to Birmingham Handsworth Lions Club website. You can also find us on Facebook by clicking on the "Facebook" symbol on the right, join us on Twitter with the link to the left and learn more about Lions by clicking on the link below. We hope you will find our website informative and easy to navigate. Please feel free to contact us or provide a feedback by using the "Contact Us" link.
Our Club is well established and very active in Lions District 105M; chartered over 32 years ago and rendering wide ranging humanitarian and charitable services locally, nationally and Internationally. Locally, we have consolidated great ties and rapourt with local businesses and financial institutions enabling us to champion a number of community based initiatives and activities that fulfil the demands of many less privileged and needy. Our Club is growing, and we are always willing to invite service minded volunteers with fresh ideas, energy, enthusiasm and leadership initiative to come and join us. Please get in touch through our "Contact" link and we shall invite you to attend our functions, fundraising and social activities; following which you will be invited to a business meeting where you can make up your mind to join us. Visit our "Calendar" to see our forth coming programmes.
Our focus and service objectives this Lions'year, will be on Club's growth with special emphasis on services within our community. To achieve this, we shall adopt the acronym A.F.F.E.C.T. as amplified below:
We shall not limit the publicity and dissemination of our programmes, projects and activities to our fellow Lions alone, but we shall promote and project our Club in our District and to our community at large making positive impact and ensuring broad awareness of our existence.
Our Lions Clubs International Purposes reads: "To Unite the Clubs in the bonds of friendship, good fellowship and mutual understanding"; we shall endeavour to build better camaraderie and cooperation with our sister Clubs in the District and strenthen the relationships between our Club members.
"All work and no play" is said to be unhealthy. As volunteers, it is essential that as we serve our community and humanity, we do so relaxed, with fun, togetherness,and cheerfulness. Through our fun-filled social interactions, our regular meal outings, and even our fundraising activities, we should bring lots of humour, fun and enjoyment that cheers the soul.
Again our Lions International Code of Ethics enjoins us : "To Aid others by giving our sympathy to those in distress, our aid to the weak and our substance to the needy". We shall serve with our heart and soul in order that we can effect a change for the better in those that are deprived, desperate, lonely, and in need of a helping hand. As a Club, we shall continuously strive to understand and discover needs around us and learn to prioritise our resources by giving to the right causes at the right times.
Community Spirit
Ones again, our Lions International Purposes urges us: ". To Take active interest in the civic, cultural, social and moral welfare of the community". As Lions, we are called upon to have a greater involvement in our community, promoting education, health awareness, welfare, safety and security, interacting with, mentoring and encouraging our youths, associating and looking after our elderlly, our hospices, the handicapped and the needy.
Our website is our window to the wide world; it needs to be enhanced and regularly updated. We shall exploit all available social media tools to improve communication, not only within but also outside our organisation. We shall take advantage of Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, LinkedIn, Messenger, Instagram and even use Alexa for our internal communication among our members and wherever available for broader recognition of Birmingham Handsworth Lions Club. We shall network and connect.
Our dear reader, we hope we have given you a flavour of our Lions Club and our exciting programmes and plans. Please take a look at our Calendar. Your decision to join us will uplift and enhance our membership.
Lion Club President Jitesh H Samani
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.