
Welcome to Lions Club of Bangalore Phoenix

Lions Club of Bangalore Phoenix was chartered on 29 Feb 2020 at Catholic Club Bangalore. Club was inaugurated by our Lions Club International District 317F District Governor Lion B S Ravindra  our club has 20 members and were inducted Past District Governor Lion P R S Chethan and our club officers  were installed by Multiple Council Chairperson Lion H K Giridhar.

Our Charter President is Lion Sasha Kulothungan and our able club officers are the pillars of our club. They motivate all our club members to come forward, devote their time, treasure and talent to serve the most needy.

Our club’s moto is WE SERVE.


  • To empower club members and volunteers to serve our communities to the best of our abilities
  • Key Focus on meeting humanitarian needs.
  • Encourage peace.


  • To be a leading club in community and humanitarian service.


Ph: +91 9900704991


Facebook: Lionsclub Phoenix


Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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