Noble County Courthouse
January 2025
Meetings & Programs:
Meeting Minutes from January 20th
Old Business:
Wooden Toys:
Lion Jim Sprague reported that seven people worked on the wooden toys on January 18.
Tracing, sanding and drilling was done on many cars and trucks. There are still approximately
96 more to finish. Another workday will be held on February 22 beginning at 9:00 a.m. at Lion
Ken Cripe’s shop. More wood will be needed for future projects. 2” X 6” and 2” X 12” boards
work well for the toys.
Leader Dog:
Lion Nancy Jacob reported that the Leader Dog mug had a record of $120.00 this time,
and the total for the Lions year is $953.00 so far.
New Business:
Valentine’s Dinner:
Lion Candy Myers reminded that the next meeting will be the Albion Lions Club
Valentine’s Dinner, which will be a pitch-in dinner on February 3, beginning at 6:00 p.m. at
Berean Baptist Church. A signup sheet was passed.
District and State Events:
The State Conference will be held on April 24-27 at the Farmstead Inn in Shipshewana.
The deadline for the discount rate is April 1.
District Governor James Bush will make his official visit to the Albion Lions Club on
February 17.
Noble Palooza:
Noble Palooza will be held on March 8 at the CCLC in Kendallville. Lion Duane
Stohlman moved that the Albion Lions Club have a booth at Noble Palooza, and not have food.
Lion Stan Jacob seconded and the motion carried. Lion Heather Steele will make arrangements
for the booth.
Important Dates:
District Governor James Bush to visit club Febuary 13th
State Conference will be held on April 24-27 at the Farmstead Inn in Shipshewana.
Chain O Lakes Festival June 4th thru 7th
History of Albion Lions Club
Albion's Lion Club charter night was December 9,1952 and held in the old Albion High School gymnasium. The first meetings were held at the Schnetzlers Restaurant, located near the present Post Office on Orange street. The first President was James Girard.
Some of the early projects were helping in the purchase of land for Chain-O-Lakes State Park. Building of tennis and basketball courts were the new High School is now. Three school crossing light, paying for glasses for students with families unable to afford them.
Money was raised for these projects by holding pancake suppers, chicken barbecues, citrus fruit, popcorn, light bulb and broom sales.
Recent History
1995 Ladies joined the Club
2002 Club had 50th Anniversary
2003 Sponsored a LEO Club
2006 Lions 5K Run
2012 Dedication of Hidden Diamonds Pavillion to Dave Knopp
2012 Club had 60th Anniversary
2014 Helped raised funds for Town Splash Pad
2022 Club had 70th Anniversary
2024 Helped raised funds for Town Skate Park
Current Members
Fun Fact:
We have collected over 9,800 pairs of glasses in 2011
We have collected over 8,900 pairs of glasses in 2010
Our District 25-B has 1,580 members in 61 clubs
"Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional"
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.