
Lions Club Agra Prayas, was established in winters of 2008, with a congregation of apprx 20 like minded businessmen and professionals with the basic aim of serving under the banner of Lions International.

During the short span of 3 yrs, Lions Prayas, a name symbolizing and embodifying the meaning "EFFORT" has certainly supported by

  • sucessfully installing and running a Dialysis Machine with cardiac Monitor at very Charitable prices

  • The club's support to the victims of Bihar Flood,

  • or the donation of Ambulance to Agra's leading Charitable trust,

  • or presentation of Scholarships to poor deserving children to further pursue their studies

  • or presentation of Calipers to differntly abled children, 

all these activities symbolise "Service to Humankind" and it certainly quenches the thirst of the members to serve and to excel in all field of service.

Our future plans in this year are equally challenging and daunting. we do look forward to a bright and fruitful year while once again standing tall to serve.


Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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