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25 gentlemen of AdampurDoaba from various spheres of life, with  determination to Serve, gathered one day and decided to form a Lions Club at Adampur Doaba.On 13 January 1995, Lion Ajit Singh Madan Distt Governor 321-D, formally inaugurated the Lions Club At Adampur Doaba, which was sponsored by Lions Club Jalandhar (East). On 21 April, the Charter was presented to the Club. The various Presidents in their tenure have done their best to project the image of Lionism by executing various projrects for the welfare of less fortunate section of society.

The club opened a free sewing school for the poor girls and women of the area to learn the art of sewing to supplement their income.

Projects for the welfare of Handicapped persons were organised where in the efffected  persons  benifitted  a lot. Artificial limbs were provided and crutches were also given to the required persons.The help is provided  to the Handicapped as on  required basis.

Eye operations camps are being orgainised on yearly basis where in  eye screeing is done and operarions are a carried out.


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