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(Blaenau Gwent Valleys)

Lions Club 
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This year is our 37th year anniversary, and we are fortunate in that we still have the only founding member, as a current member. (Lion, Eric Woods).


The modification to the clubs name has widened our catchment area and now reflects the area the club raises and distributes funds. The Club has maintained its chartered name and adding Blaenau Gwent Valleys.


This year’s incoming president has structured his officers, with all lions members accepting thier new positions for 2013/14. Officer’s names are listed below. Sub Comities chairpersons are also listed.


Outgoing President (Peter Hammond) has had a successful year with substantial donations (as detailed in this month’s press release).

Peter wishes to thank the public of Blaenau Gwent, all her Fellow Lions, the staff, and Patrons of the Corner Club, who made these donation possible



President (2013/14) Nick Simmons

Lion Nick chosen recipient of this years fund raising is:-

Sigth Cymru ( formally sight first)

(This is a local charity  base in Pontypool) 

The club believes this to be worthy cause and the membership will give Nick full support in rising donations.

Nick takes over the presidency  from Lion Peter

(Contact the President on the link above link)

Vice President (2013/14)  Jayne Simmons

Lion Jayne takes on this position as her first his role in the club, and is our latest member!

(Contact the Vice President on the link above link)

Secretary (2013/14) Darren Webb

Lion Darren is no stranger to this position an continues to be a rock within the club.

(Contact the Secretary on the link above link)

Assistant Secretary (2013/14(unfilled)

This was a new position last year, as the secretary position is so demanding. It was created to prepaired someone to take on the role.

(Contact the Assistant Secretary on the link above link)

Treasurer (2013/14)  Gill Guest 

Lion Gill steps up to this position after a year in support.

(Contact the Treasurer on the link above link)

Assistant Treasurer (2012/13(Unfilled)

This is a new position last year. Lion Gill has agreed to take on this task as preparation to giving mike a well earned rest. No one has agreed to take on this position for this year.

  (Contact the Assistant Treasurer on the link above link)

Membership Secretary (2013/14)    Perter  Hammond

Lion Peter is allocated this position after stepping down from President. He also carries out the position on The Christmas committe.

(Contact the Membership Sec on the link above link)


Web Master (2010/11) Nick Simmons

Lion Nick is the founder of this site and continues the position for a 4th   year. The internet is becoming a part of everyday life and the club must have a presence.

(Contact the web master on the link above link)

Twinning Officer (2013/14) Pete Hammond

This was a new position introduced as a result of Abertillery twinning with Royat in France. Lion Pete continues this for a 5th  year

Contact the Twinning Officer on the link above link)

Tail Twister (2013/14) Margaret Cook

This is Lion Margaret’s first position within lions and we wish her success. After a fantastic job she has contiued the position

Contact the Tail Twister on the link above link)


Lion Tamer (2012/13) Brian Paul

This is a thankless position that Lion Brian has religiously performed for the 4rd year now. THANK YOU BRIAN

Contact the Lion Tamer on the link above link)



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