
New Project.

Having helped Isa, we have raised money for the Ver de Olula Centre for Disabled Children which she attends. We have purchased some very special lights for the sensory department and supplied them with a massage plinth.


Project Over!. Isa now has her walker

Gema now has her walker

We have been fundraising for 3 year old Gema Gonzales who suffers from Cerebral Palsy and her desperate need for a special needs walking frame that costs around €900. Her situation came to the notice of the Vera & District Lions Club and we pledged to help raise the money. 

During  April the Cactus Bar, Burganvilla Roundabout and The Blue Parrot, Vera Playa held fundraising events which raised more than enough for Gema´s basic walker.

The fund recieved a large donation from Bar El Naranjo in Los Gallardos and Kate Perry of Los Gallardos on Saturday 8th June, Mick Boucher of the Bar El Naranjo raised a whopping 600 euros by way of a Rafffle and Kate raised a further 300 euros by selling jams pickles and marmalade in the bar. 

The President Glyn Williams and joint Directors of Welfare Gillian Stone and David Ross Robson along with The Treasurer Keith Linnitt, made presentations to both Mick and Kate with Certificates of appreciation. Also present was Cati who runs ASADIS in the village, and Pedro Gonzales father of little Gema, it was agreed that Keith would accompany Gema and her parents to Almeria on Monday 11th of June, when Gema was measured for the walker. 

Because of the increase in the fund we were able to buy a much better walker than was anticipated, this new one will now last Gema for up to five years. 

We have now held another fundraising event at Camping Los Gallardos in conjunction with Almeria Bowling Club. This raised nearly 600 euros which will go into the newly renamed Gema Fund for Disadvantaged Children, which aims to help all children with special needs in our area





Presentations at Los Naranjos

Los Naranjos

Cactus Bar

Presentation at Los Naranjos

Bar Los Naranjos


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