Chartered in 1965, the Port Edwards Lions Club has served Port Edwards and surrounding communities – and also the handicapped throughout Wisconsin and even around the world - with volunteer workers, financial assistance, and good citizenship.
The Port Edwards Lions meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:00 P.M. at the Edwards-Alexander Park Shelter House, 210 – 2nd Street, Port Edwards. Our meetings include social time, a dinner, a business meeting, and frequently a guest speaker, along with fun and fellowship.
Members pay annual dues of $70.00. Dinners cost $13.00. Guests and prospective members are always welcome. Your first meeting and dinner are free. Get acquainted with us. You will be proud to be a Lion!
The Port Edwards Lions welcome women as well as men. Last year 33% of new Lions members worldwide were women.
- Port Edwards Lions Fisheree
- Community Pancake Brunch
- Comunity Picnic
- Collect Eye Glasses and Hearing Aids
- Special Olympics Vision Screening
- Community Easter Egg Hunt
- Built Several Community Park Shelters and a Gazebo
- Thermal Imager to Port Edwards Fire Department
- Built Blackhawk Shelter at Lions Camp, Rosholt
- Home Delivered Meals
- Transport Donated Eyes
- Scholarships for JEHS Students
- Badger Girls Delegate
- Port Edwards Youth Baseball and Softball
- ACT Playground
- Family Center
- South Wood County Food Pantry
- Lions Camp at Rosholt
- Lions Eye Bank of WI
- Leader Dog for the Blind, Rochester, MI
- Restoring Hope Transplant House
- Large print books to the library and nursing homes
- Port Edwards flag project
- MD27-C1 journey for siht
- MD27-C1 Wis. Lions Missions
- MD27-C1 Youth Exchange
- MD27-C1 Diabetes Support
- Defibrillator - Wood Cty. Sheriff
- Christmas Cheer Project at Port Edwards Schools
- Jerimiah's Crossing
- Youth Exchange Program
- Stuff the Bus
- Historic Point Basse
- Pedestrian / Bike Path
- Port Edwards Village Flags
- Audiometer for Port Edwards Schools
- Monarch Garden in Port Edwards
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.