
More Books for Sri Lanka

Working once again with Minster Lions Club York more books were donated by The White Hills Federation of Schools for the Library in a Box Appeal.

School Uniform for Pakistan

Lion Professor Karrar Khan from Nottingham West Lions Club and Lion Anne, accept a donation of school uniform from Julie Boote of Bramcote College.

Professor Khan will be personally delivering the clothing to a village 80 miles from Lahore in Pakistan to be distributed amongst the children and young people attending the local secondary school, who have very little in the way of clothing and certainly not much in the way of uniformProfessor Khan will be personally delivering the clothing to a village 80 miles from Lahore in Pakistan to be distributed amongst the children and young people attending the local secondary school, who have very little in the way of clothing and certainly not much in the way of uniform

Lions Clubs International Foundation -LCIF

(LCIF) enables the organisation to respond quickly to tragedies around the world. In the past decade, LCIF has provided more than US $100 million for disaster relief programmes.

For example, when Haiti was hit by a major earthquake in 2010, LCIF made emergency grants to help meet immediate needs for food, water, and shelter. Thanks to donations of US $6.1 million by Lions clubs around the world, within a year, hundreds of families were helped to move into new homes. Most recently they have given support to the many families and children in need of support as a result of the EBOLA outbreak in West Africa.

This reflects Lions’ commitment to ensure victims are able to return to their lives and regain their independence.

As part of this work Lions Clubs support the work of WATER AID, committed to providing safe water suplies around the globe.


Lions Clubs International also fights international health issues, such as measles, where the organisation has committed to raise US $30 million to protect tens of millions of children. This sum will be matched jointly by the Gates Foundation and the UK’s Department for International Development.


Working closely with the UN and UNICEF many School in a Box  kits and tents, have been distributed around the world helping children, who have been forced toleave their homes, many living in refugee camps, to begin to pick up the pieces of their lives and continue their education, for example the many children who have been displaced as a result of the civil unrest in Syria.


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