Check us out on Facebook Newcastle Lions Club - Click here
On September 19, 2022 the members of the Newcastle Lions Club made a domation to the Clarington Hospice Fund of $10,500.00.This brings our donation to the fund to $50,000.00.
Back row-Lion Gary Bray, Lion Warren Tait,, Lion David Gibson, Lion Norm Smith, Johm (RONA), Willie Woo, Leo Blindenbach, Jackie Nixon.
Front row-Lion Heather Griffen, Lion Tom Simpson, Lion Helen Simpson,Lion Gary Wilson, Jill richardson Lion Betty Smith, Lion Linda Bray,Lion Greg Forget.
Many thanks to John at Rona for allowing us to use a collection bin at the side of his store to collect our Bottles and Cans.
2022-2023 Installation of Officers and Directors
Volunteers Needed For A Gift Of Art on July 1 10am-4pm
Send your name and time available to
Found A Great Picture For the 100 Years of Lions in Canada
I am off to Cabinet Training....
At Millbrook Lions Hall School.....
Because Because Because .....
Because of the wonderful cause.. it awes!!!!
I am off to Cabinet Training....
At Millbrook Lions Hall School.....
Please join us!Additional Information:Registration:
- Register online at prior to May 20, 2019.
- Registration will be confirmed upon receipt of payment.
- We accept e-transfers and credit cards.
- Please bring a copy of your Registration Confirmation with you. This is vital for your admission.
For Security Purposes:
- Money transactions are prohibited inside Parliament.
- Your car MUST be registered in advance. Please do this online at
- Also, note upon entering Parliament you be required to go through a metal detector.
- We have a block of rooms held at the Radisson Hotel Ottawa Parliament Hill, 402 Queen St. Ottawa ON K1R 5A7.
- Please call 613-236-1133 and use Block Code: 2019LYONCL to reserve your room.
Just wanted to let all the groups know that the Municipality will be repaving our parking lot commencing Monday May 6. This project is scheduled to take until May 19. Included in the project is the wall on the north side of property. The wall will be started on May 6th at this time we can not tell you when access to the parking lot will be effected.
We are excited to have this much needed project begin!
And hope that it is not too much of an inconvenience to you all.
We Won a Vest!!!
Not just any vest
A vest Full of Pins!!!
Ray Ostopovich put the vest together
We have two new members!
Welcome Paul Dryden and Evan King.
Induction May 8th, 2019!
We Won!!!!!!
The Centennial Service Challenge
for achieving in each of the 4 areas,
childhood cancer,
in 3 out of 4 years
The work roster for our annual chicken bbq, which is this Sunday May 5,
will be sent out shortly. Its a working document, so will have it posted
where we can make changes as needed.
Please arrive at 10am for set up in the hall.
Bring the money from your ticket sales!

Award from Bowmanville Hospital
for donation of bed and eye centre donation.
It will be hung up on the wall in our Lions Den
Way to go Newcastle Lions!!!!
The Goat Medal has moved on!!!!!!
Dave presented to Paul!!!!
Come visit Billy!!!!!
Find out what it is all about!
District A-3 Lions Candidate List 2019-2020
District Governor - Susan Taylor
First Vice District Governor - Barry Chisholm
Second Vice District Governor - Mark Kelso or Don Radnor
Region 10 Chair - Beth Lazar
Region 43 Chair - Appointment
Region 11 Chair - Appointment
Zone 10 South - Kevin Kimmerly
Zone 10 North - Ruth Newell
Zone 10 Center - Appointment
Zone 11 West - Appointment
Zone 11 East - Appointment
Zone 43 East - Cathy Collins
Zone 43 West - Appointment
Zone 43 South – Dave McKellar
You know that increasing, retaining and engaging your members is the key to a healthy club and impactful service. With the right resources, your club can celebrate new members and current members while engaging in meaningful service in your community. That’s why we’re offering you a special opportunity to receive a service grant when you add new members in April.
Here’s how the service grants work:
· Add new members in April – Clubs will have an opportunity to receive a special grant for new Lions who are reported during April 2019.
· Apply for a grant – Clubs can apply for a Service Grant for New Members, which awards a total of US$35 for each new member in two equal installments on December 31, 2019 and June 30, 2020 club statements if new members stay active.
· Engage new members – Funds should be used to plan activities that engage new members in service so they have a great onboarding experience in your club.
These service grants will allow you to invest directly in your new members so you can make their first year a memorable one. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to grow your club’s impact by inviting new members in April and inspiring a lifetime of service.
In friendship,
Gudrun Yngvadottir
Your International President
SO Athletes Win Big in Abu Dhabi!
Lions, this is one of those times when I wish that my roof was on
the highest mountain in the world, so that I could shout my
enthusiasm for all to hear. Team Canada has been competing at
the World Special Olympics Games on for almost a week now, and
I am thrilled to share the final outcome with you!
When the 109 athletes arrive back home, they will be bringing with
them 79 Gold, 36 Silver and 28 Bronze Medals! Four members of
Team Canada live in our own District, and congratulations go out to
them for their dedication, perseverance and enthusiasm!
1 Gold Medal will be coming home to Belleville; congratulations to
John Tinney in Swimming;
2 Silver Medals - 1 to Belleville athlete John Tinney in Swimming,
and 1 to Peterborough athlete Crystal Cochrane in 10-pin bowling;
2 Bronze Medals to Peterborough athletes Brandon Van Sickle
and Dylan Armstrong, soccer.
What an accomplishment! Lions, I thank you from the bottom of my
heart for your overwhelming support over the past couple of years!
It is because you care that you donated to Special Olympics
through the sponsorship or donor program. And because you were
able to make those donations, athletes who work hard to be the
best they can be were able to go onto the world stage in
competition and represent the best country in the World!
In January, the Winter Provincial Games were held in Sault Ste.
Marie, and some of the competitors from these Games will go on to
the National Games in Thunder Bay Feb. 25 - 29, 2020. As well,
this spring athletes are training and competing in Qualifiers for the
Provincial Summer Games being held in Waterloo in May 2020.
The Special Olympics Movement is gaining momentum! If you
ever have an opportunity to meet one or more of these athletes,
take a minute and say Hi, or shake their hand and congratulate
them on a job well done.
"Let me win; but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt."
(Special Olympian Oath)
Yours in Lionism,
Fire Prevention Night
March newsletter from 1st VDG Susan
Road Clean Up This Saturday!!!!!! Everyone meet at the MacDonalds on the 35/115 in Newcastle!!!! Bring a Friend!
A3 47th Annual Convention
April 26-28 2019
Zone meeting cancelled tonight March 13, 2019
Next Zone meeting -- April 9 Courtice Lions Club 7 p.m.
RC Lion Don Radner who is running for 2nd VDG at the District A-3 Convention
Is In The House April 24, 2019
RC Lion Mark Kelso who is running for 2nd VDG at the District A-3 Convention
Is In The House April 24, 2019
Hello Lions of Newcastle
We are participating in the annual bowling for kids sake with big brothers and sisters of Clarington
The date we are bowling is Saturday March 2nd 2019 at 1:00pm. We will have three lanes reserved for us.
If you would like to participate please send me an email at
Pledge sheets were handed out at the last meeting.
As you all know we won first place in raising the most money in 2018.
I’m hoping we can win again but we will need every Lions help in fundraising.
If you are not able to bowl pls consider sponsoring one of us.
Donations are also available online
Any questions pls feel free to contact me.
We will also be going out after for drinks and a social at the Newcastle house.
I hope to see everyone there!
Sara Foote
Please Read the Bowmanville Lions Bulletin
Message from First Vice District Govenor
Lion Susan Taylor
As your 1VDG, I have visited your Zone Meetings and Region Rallies. I have been excited by the scope of the service that our A3 Lions do. You are doing amazing work and I thank you all for your dedication and hard work.
Give serious thought to stepping up to be a leader in your club and in your district. We need your talents!
I understand the feeling you are unsure of doing a job that you might not have considered before. As Lions we will train and teach you so that you have the tools to take on the job. Join the Team. Help us to be the best Lions that we can. All of us have hidden talents, let us help you discover yours.
Lion Susan Taylor
Regional Rally
February 09, 2019
9:30 am - 2:30 pm
Cobourg Lions Centre 157 Elgin St E, Cobourg K9A 1A1.
Hi Everyone We are having our Region 10 Rally
on Feb 9 at Cobourg Lions Centre 157 Elgin St E, Cobourg K9A 1A1.
Doors open at 9:30 am and Rally starts at 10:30.
Great time for fellowship with old friends and new friends to be. We’ll have games and fun times with prizes. Guest Speakers, 50/50 Draw. Lunch at noon, ending at 1pm. More great Lions stories. Ending around 2:30 Agenda will follow
If someone from each club could stand up and tell us what your club is doing, such as:
1, The most memorial service event ( that you felt had a good reaction from everyone )
2, That someone in your club witnessed a event that made them every happy (proud) to be a lion.
And made them feel like they were going to be a Lion forever.
3, A couple of your fundraisers and maybe a new one your club might try.
Also if you could let me know how many will be coming.
Please let me know if you have any food allergies.
RC 10 Kevin Kimmerly
Know someone you want to nominate for next year's position on the Cabinet?
Here is the nomination form!
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
It is the time of year when many of us are celebrating traditions with family and friends. We feel connected to others and we demonstrate our caring for our community.
Let's check in to see how Lions Quest Canada is doing so far this year:
To date we have raised just over $36,000 toward our goal of $150,000. We know that the postal disruption has had an impact, and we are confident we will see a bigger increase in December and January through our promotional contest. As a reminder - you can use activity funds for the contest as it is a donation. Also, if the winner is unable to attend the convention, we can honour the flight to Milan (or similar destination) at another time - so don't let that be a barrier.
Our special offer for 5 Q-bear Fan Club memberships when you purchase a Lions Quest Fellowship wraps up on December 31. If you'd like to present a Fellowship this year - this is a great time to order it so that you can also honour 5 other people in your club or community.
We held two Building Community Capacity Train the Trainer sessions this month - one in Eastern Passage, NS that also included an orientation to our school-based programs, and one in Fort McMurray, AB supported by Lions of Alberta Foundation as part of their response to the 2016 fire and a contribution to the social rebuild that was needed. In addition, we faciliated a one-day training using the Skills Bank resource for students at Cathedral Secondary School in Hamilton through a partnership with Hamilton Public Health. Finally, Joanne was one of the presenters at a workshop offered by the RCMP for Youth Officers with police services from across Southwestern Ontario. The RCMP strongly believe our work is an effective approach to preventing the radicalization of youth and keeps them away from participating in criminal activity.
A great gift idea - Q-Bear Fan Club
Many individuals have asked how they can support our work - so here is great gift that you could give this holiday season. A membership in the Q-Bear Fan Club is just $100. The recipient will receive this beautiful artwork by a Lions Quest student, a lapel pin, and charitable tax receipt. The proceeds help us expand our positive youth development work across Canada.
Our Lions Quest team is getting together.Thanks to the support of Lions Clubs International Foundation we have invited two people from each Lions District (ideally Lions Quest Chair and Vice District Governor) to participate in a two-day session in Toronto at the end of January. We have almost 50 people joining us to learn, share, and develop action plans to move Lions Quest forward across the country. This is a very exciting event and we can't wait to share the outcomes with you.
All the best for the holiday season!
On behalf of the Board and Staff of Lions Quest Canada, we wish you a very merry Christmas and all the best for the holiday traditions that you celebrate at this time of year. Together we all wish for a prosperous new year for the important work of Lions, Lioness and Leos across Canada, and especially our work that impacts children and youth.
Support Lions Quest Canada
As a registered charitable organization, we are always inviting others to share in our work by donating to us. Every dollar makes a difference, every donation counts. Please take a moment to consider investing in the positive development of Canadian children and youth.
Lions Quest Canada | 800-265-2680 | |
Don't Forget to Reserve Your Place at the District A-3 Lions Convention in Peterborough.
MDA Lions Environmental Photo Contest Guidelines 2018-19
Lions, Leos and Lioness Clubs in good standing can enter an original, unaltered, black-and-white or colour photo of the environment in the Lions Environmental Photo Contest in each of the following categories:
1. Our Natural Environment:
Example: Animal Life, Landscape (Urban or Natural), Plant Life or Weather Phenomenon; capturing the magnificent beauty and grandeur of our natural environment. (without people)
2. Lions in Environmental Service:
People are allowed in these photos highlighting our service work with the environment.
Lions/Leo/Lioness Clubs may submit one (1) 20.3 cm X 25.4 cm (8 inch X 10 inch) printed photo from each category. (two photos in total can be submitted) Photos should be submitted to their District Environment Coordinator in advance of their 2019 District Convention. The District will select one (1) winner from each category at the District Convention, where the winner should be recognized.
The District will submit one (1) winning photo in each category to Multiple District ‘A’ no later than May 10th, 2019 to:
Lion Randy Hargrave
MDA Environment Coordinator
361 Manly Street
Midland, Ontario, L4R 3E2
Multiple District ‘A’ will select winners at the MDA Convention in St Catharines. Registered convention attendees will vote for their favourite photos. A cash award will be presented to the winning photographers. All district submitted photos to MDA will appear on the MDA website.
Lion/Leo/Lioness photographers accept responsibility for the cost of taking
and processing all photos. Contest photos become the property of MDA.
MDA reserves the right
to disqualify entries that do not meet contest criteria or that maybe
viewed as inappropriate or objectionable.
We are sponsering a family for Christmas!
Bring your gifts to the den Dec5,2018
Click This Link to watch Lions Rap Video
Click This Link to watch Lions Pancake Breakfast
Click This Link to watch Lions Raffle Ticket Sales
Its Here!!!
Our New Website Is Live
It’s here. The all-new is live and ready for you to explore. Be among the first to experience its exciting features:
- The Resource Center
- The reengineered Club Locator
- The Service Launchpad
Enjoy the new site—and make sure to share it with others!
No Frills Newcastle grills for the Bowmanville hospital
Palmieri’s No Frills and Newcastle Lions Club volunteers hold charity barbecue
News 05:00 AM Clarington This Week
Palmieri’s No Frills owner Frank Palmieri (centre) and the No Frills staff presented a cheque for $1,085 to the Bowmanville Hospital Foundation’s Chief Development Officer Andrea Russell (left). - Photo submitted by Bowmanville Hospital Foundation
CLARINGTON — A charity barbecue in support of the Bowmanville hospital was hosted at Palmieri’s No Frills in Newcastle by owner Frank Palmieri on Saturday, Oct. 20.
“We are proud to do our part and support the local hospital as they work to improve the health and well-being of our families,” Palmieri said in a press release. “Thanks to the wonderful support of our shoppers, we were able to raise important funds for local health care programs at Bowmanville Hospital and support an amazing cause.”
Shoppers enjoyed a delicious barbecue lunch prepared by the local Newcastle Lions Club. There was a 50/50 draw and a raffle for the chance to win a Toronto Maple Leafs jersey.
“We are grateful for the members of the Newcastle Lions Club who offered their time and services. A lot of time and effort went into planning this event and our volunteers played an important role in making this possible,” added Palmieri.
The barbecue proceeds — $1,085 — were presented to the Bowmanville Hospital Foundation’s chief development officer, Andrea Russell, by Palmieri on Thursday, Nov. 8. The funds will go to Bowmanville Hospital Foundation, a charitable organization that raises funds annually for equipment needs, facility enhancements and other high priority needs for the Bowmanville hospital.
“Community support is important to the well-being of Bowmanville Hospital and this gift from Palmieri’s charity barbecue event helps to enhance the treatment and care our patients and families receive,” said Russell in the statement. “It’s incredible to see the people of Clarington continue to go above and beyond to support our Hospital and participate in each and every fundraising initiative throughout this community. We couldn’t be more grateful.”
Visit for more information about Bowmanville Hospital Foundation.
Thank you,
Frank Palmieri
Video about Medication Safety Awareness for the Blind Month/Project
Video Overview of ScripTalk labels for customers
The Blind Life Review of ScriptAbility labels
Has Launched!!!!
For anyone who is passionate about our children & youth!Are you a teacher, coach, youth group leader, youth worker, police, public health worker, youth employer? Are you interested in understanding more about supporting positive relationships with children and youth? Are you interested in social emotional learning and asset building? We have a training session for you - spend two days in a small group with other youth-serving professionals, and gain tools and strategies to build a healthy, caring community for our children and youth and share the message with others.
November 7-8 - Copetown, ONPositive Youth DevelopmentTrain the Trainer WorkshopDecember 5-6 - Fort McMurray, ABClick on the link or contact Kay Nelles for more information on how to host one of these workshops in your community.
Order your trading pins in 5 easy steps!
You can, as a group, choose to sponsor a family or senior from our nominees
You can provide donated items in great need such as: socks, soft blankets, toiletries of any kind, canned goods, unwrapped toy items
You may choose to become an event sponsor -- sponsoring our Mingle & Jingle event AND/OR sponsoring our Christmas Wish program with a monetary donation
You may choose to share our event info and FB link above with your friends and family in order to spread the word about our programs
Donna Robertson
Regional Manager
Evolution Support Services,
Care Division
Serving Durham, Clarington and GTA
What's OUR Lions Club Doing for Medication Safety Awareness for the Blind (MSAB) Month?
October is MSAB month (Medication Safety Awareness for the Blind) and Lions clubs across the country are participating in MSAB projects to help spread the word about accessible prescription labels.
Medication Safety Awareness for the Blind (MSAB)
MSAB is an initiative to keep people safe by promoting accessible prescription labels for folks who are blind, visually impaired and print impaired. Every year, during the month of October, groups and individuals participate in activities to help spread the word about large print, Braille and talking prescription label options for people who cannot read their medication labels.
Every Lion who participates in an MSAB service project will receive an exclusive MSAB Lions pin:
Want more ideas? Need materials to handout? You can get ideas on what to do, request ScripTalk brochures, sample prescription bottles, and borrow a ScripTalk demo unit all on the MSAB webpage or by calling
Lion Trish Bissell at 941-702-6609.
Did you know… |
The Membership Chairperson’s Guide has all the tips and tricks you’ll need to grow and maintain a happy club. |
It’s time to plan your diabetes service activity
Our Diabetes Service Journey website has been informing and inspiring Lions and Leos worldwide for two months now. We’ve given away two Fitbit Charge 2 wristbands, and you’re responding to our poll questions in record numbers.
With World Diabetes Day just weeks away on November 14, it’s time to start planning your club’s diabetes service activity if you haven’t already.
We’re here to help you with valuable planning resources, and when you get them through our Diabetes Service Journey website, you’ll automatically be entered into this month’s contest.
Please encourage your club members to get involved by entering our contest and participating in at least one diabetes service activity. Through your leadership, we can fulfill our mission to reduce the prevalence of diabetes and improve the lives of those diagnosed.
Thank you for taking steps to fight diabetes.
Click the Link below for more info on:
Happy Thanksgiving
What are you thankful for?
Dont forget your Bethesda House donations for the Newcastle Lions Oct 10th Meeting!!!!!!!
Good afternoon All
Us older generation still use cheques and/or cash, not so old generation use e- transfers, well today was a new experience using a Interac e-Transfer by email.
I have now set up a direct deposit for e-transfer to the T-D bank to pay for your 2019 convention registration , send to if you wish to us it, along with your registration form(s)
I hope it works, if you need a registration form, please contact me
Back to School for Dog Guides
Dog Guides in training had a busy summer mastering course content in Independence, Mobility, and Safety!
Now, with school back in session you can help support them this fall with everything else they need to succeed. With your help, you can ensure everybody has an A+ experience.
Check out a few of the items on Dog Guides' back-to-school list:
Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides152 Wilson Street Oakville, ON L6K 0G6Phone: 905-842-2891 Toll Free: 1-800-768-3030
It's John Morris your Leader Dogs For The Blind chair. Now that a new Lions year has started I just wanted you to know that I am available to come and speak at your clubs about the fantastic Leader Dog school. Also my Wife Lyn and I are doing a fund raiser for Leader Dogs. This is a basket with 2 stuffed Leader Dog Puppies. 1 is a yellow Lab and 1 is a black Lab. The basket also has a blanket in it as well as some dog treats and a dog travel bag. People can bid $2.00 and up and we will make the draw at the convention here in Peterborough in April but you do not have to be there to win. Thank you very much.
Respectfuly submited
Leader Dogs For The Blind chair,
John Morris
Their presentations will renew your Lion spirit at meals & during 2 special presentations!
This year's fantastic array of seminars will provide you with information you can use in to improve your own life
& your clubs.
for the club members that wish to take advantage of the $ 16.00 discount by registering for the 2019 District A-3 convention before October 1st , 2018
Select Terry Fox Run
To Donate
1. select - To a Participant
2. select - Individual or Run team search
3. select - to donate to a participant enter persons name or to donate to the team enter Newcastle Lions
4. Location is Clarington
5. select - persons or team name at the bottom of the page and follow instructions
To Join
1. Select Register for a Run-
2. Find a Terry Fox Team at bottom of page (Ontario , Site Clarington)
2. Sign Up
3. Create Login
4, Join Run Team- Newcastle Lions
5. Select Newcastle Lions and follow instructions
If you have any questions please let me know.
Thank You
Lion Ken, Chair Terry Fox Run
How will your club help stop diabetes in its tracks?
Our Diabetes Service Journey website is a huge hit. One lucky Lion already won a Fitbit Charge 2, and we’re getting a great response to our poll questions. More importantly, Lions and Leos worldwide are learning why we need to rally in service around the fight against diabetes.
Please encourage your club members to learn about diabetes, and plan at least one service activity. People who have diabetes need lots of family and community support.
We look forward to learning about the steps you’re taking when you report your diabetes service activities. Until then, please explore the Diabetes Service Journey website where you and your club members can:
1. Enter our second monthly contest to win a Fitbit Charge 2.
2. Share your views in our second monthly poll question.
3. Upload and view pictures in our global gallery.
4. And much, much more!
Thank you for taking steps to fight diabetes as an LCI leader!
Register for New Voices Webinars
August 22: The Leadership Confidence Code: Sharing Experiences on How We Can Break the Glass Ceiling!
December: Spreading Cheer: Innovative Projects That are Simple but Make an Impact!
New Voices October 8, 2018
The New Voices team would like to encourage every club and district to organize a service activity, involving women. Let women take the lead, plan and execute an innovative service project. Then share the activity on the New Voices Facebook page, “Lions New Voices,” and get rewarded!
For more details and available grants, visit our website,
Are You Curious????
Just A Little????
Patti Hill Fundraiser Sept 15, 2018
Tickets are selling quickly and MUST be purchased by September 1
- Linda Kittmer, winner of the grand prize of a $1,000 Via Rail Credit voucher and Samsung tablet
- John Bell, winner of an iconic Hudson's Bay blanket
- Shelly Brown, winner of a six month membership to GoodLife Fitness
Tour Italy In Style
Time is flying by so quickly. I can’t believe it is almost a month since our International Convention in Las Vegas. Now that we are settling in to our New Lion’s Year, we would like to provide you with information to make it easier to attend the
2019 Lions International Convention in Milan.
Most attendees will want to make the most of their time in Italy and see as much of this beautiful country while they are there. We have made this process the easiest ever to participate in a Pre/Post Tour, Group Tours or individual vacations.
We have set up a booking engine to make this process as easy as possible. Attached are some instructions that can help you along the way.
Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions.
Warmest regards,
PDG Rose Marie Spatafore
Preferred Tour Operator Pre/Post Tours LCI Milan Convention
Rose Marie Spatafore
Rose Marie’s Travel, LLC
4 Roundtree Drive
Ansonia, CT 06401
Office: 203-446-9150
Cell- 203-641-4476
Diabetes Service Journey Contest !! Click to Win!!!
District Newsletter contact
Almost a year ago, Lions Clubs International began the gradual roll-out of the MyLion mobile phone app to members around the world. Since then, we’ve worked with leaders like you to gain valuable feedback, enhance the MyLion app, and build its web browser companion.
Starting this month, we will initiate the next step in our MyLion plan- identifying regions around the globe to gradually test the version of MyLion that works in web browsers. This is the version of MyLion that will eventually replace MyLCI for service activity reporting – but not until it’s fully ready and Lions have had a chance to receive training. As we announced in our prior communication, we are going to ensure that Lion leaders, the Global Action Team, and officers are fully trained prior to a final global release.
Over the next few quarters, we will test-release MyLion in certain localities prior to a full global release.
We will use this approach to:
Conduct testing to help identify technical considerations for release planning and give Lions the opportunity to participate in feedback groups.
Collect and methodically apply our Global Action Team leadership’s feedback and the feedback from test users.
Ensure that every member has adequate time to learn the MyLion system before transitioning service activity reporting from MyLCI to MyLion.
You will receive advanced notification when MyLion on the web is ready to release in your region, along with training, guides, and other resources to support your test of the system. Until then, please continue to use MyLCI or your local system for service activity reporting.
Countries that use eMMR reporting systems will receive personalized communications and instructions in the coming weeks.
The following link will provide you with a Frequently Asked Questionsguide to assist you as you communicate with members and respond to their inquiries. Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions and feedback.
Thank you for your continued leadership and support.
Lions Foundation of Canada Graduates
203 Dog Guides in 2018
June graduation marked major achievement for the foundation
Lions Foundation of Canada graduated over 200 Dog Guides by the end of their 2017-2018 fiscal year. This will be the first time the foundation graduates such a high number of Dog Guides in one year. Dog Guides are provided to Canadians with physical and medical disabilities at no cost.
"Graduating 200 Dog Guides has been in our strategic planning goal for many years," says Sandy Turney, Executive Director of the foundation. "We know the demand for Dog Guides has increased and thanks to our donors, volunteers and growing staff, this large increase will help keep up with an always growing demand while providing highly trained Dog Guides"
![]() The 200 Dog Guide goal was part of the Opening Doors campaign which included facility expansions, additional staffing and raising important revenue. This places the Canadian organization on the worldwide stage as a major provider of highly trained service dogs - something the foundation is very proud of. With seven programs in place, Canadians with disabilities are offered the opportunity to find greater independence, mobility and safety through the help of a Dog Guide.
Thanks to financial support from Lions Clubs, corporations, individuals and the successful Pet Valu Walk for Dog Guides, a total of 203 Dog Guides graduated. While each Dog Guide costs an average of $25,000, they are provided free of charge to qualifying Canadians. Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides receives no government funding and relies solely on donations from individuals, corporations, and fundraising activities.
Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides
Phone: 905-842-2891 Toll Free: 1-800-768-3030
Incoming President Debra gave "Billie" the goat medal to Lion Robert Pascoe that he keeps until he successfully gets a potential new member to attend a meeting. The medal will be passed on to another Lion once he is successful.
All committee chairs should make their annual report.
Canadian Multiculturalism Day
On November 13, 2002, the Government of Canada, by Royal Proclamation, desig-
nated June 27 of each year as Canadian Multiculturalism Day.
Canadian Multiculturalism Day is an opportunity to celebrate our diversity and our
commitment to democracy, equality and mutual respect and to appreciate the contri-
butions of the various multicultural groups and communities to Canadian society.
Don’t forget to wish your neighbours, coworkers, staff, family and friends, a happy
multiculturalism day.
National Lightning Safety Awareness Week
June 24 - 30, 2018
National Lightning Safety Awareness week was started in 2001, in the U.S., to call attention to this underrated killer. Since then, U.S. lightning fatalities have dropped from about 50 per year to about 30. This reduction in fatalities is largely due to greater awareness of the lightning danger, and people seeking safety when thunderstorms threaten. During National Lightning Safety Awareness Week, we encourage you to learn more about lightning and lightning safety. It is estimated that Earth as a whole is struck by an average of more than a hundred light-ning bolts every second. The odds of becoming a lightning victim in the U.S. in any one year is 1 in 700,000. The odds of being struck in your lifetime is 1 in 3,000. Most people do not realize that they can be struck by lightning even when the center of a thunderstorm is 10 miles (16 kilometers) away and there are blue skies overhead. Did you know that rubber shoes do nothing to protect you from lightning? That talking on the telephone is the leading cause of lightning injuries inside the home? That standing under a tall tree is one of the most dangerous places to take shelter?
Good afternoon one and all,
Thanks for all your submissions, pictures and stories for the March newsletter. Just a brief reminder that the deadline date for our fourth and final Governor’s Newsletter for 2018-19 is coming soon. Please send to me via email (stories word format) and (pictures jpeg format) by the deadline date - Monday, June 4th. Distribution will be a date soon after the Cabinet Meeting on June 10th. Thank you.
Yours in Lionism,
Lion Karen Christopher, Editor
(905) 983-5851
Newcastle Lions
It is time to support our community
by having our annual food drive.
Summer is the time the food bank is in most need as there are
No donation holidays.
Please Help this Great Cause!!!
It only takes less than 90 minutes.
Edward Street Area east of Mill.
Last time in that area was 2012.
Drop off bags: Monday, May 28 at 6:15 pm
( meet in Tim Horton's parking lot)
Pickup bags: Saturday, June 2 beginning at 10 am
( meet at Tim Horton's)
You can volunteer for one day or both.
Pickup of course is always harder.
Please email or text cell or telephone me NOT Ken if you can help. If you text please indicate who it is in text. The number of volunteers will determine how successful our collection will be.
Thank you, Linda
905 999 2641 cell 905 446 0360 home
The Newcastle Lions Club 2018 Mystery Bus
The bus will be leaving the den at 7pm sharp
on TUESDAY May 15th
This is different from the regular meeting night because of booking issues.
Those that would like to attend, but cannot quite make the 7pm deadline, let me (Paul) know and I will tell you where to get yourself to for 7.30pm.
We will be back at the den between 9.30 and 10pm
This years Mystery location is quite unique and is very new. I promise you that the meal will be excellent. The cost is $20 a head – u only get to go free if you don’t have your head with you.
The dress should be business casual
(Club shirts are always good).
I need to know numbers by 3pm Wednesday May 9th. Please support this outing. Our pricing has been built on 30 of us attending. Partners are welcome.
Samuel Wilmot Nature Trail Planting of Wildflowers
This event is on May 26th starting at 11am.
The objective is to plant various species of plants for bees and butterflies.
Mchappy Day May 2nd
If you would like to volunteer for Mchappy day in Newcastle
please contact Robin Burns at 905-432-6319
Proceeds are going to Grandview Kids.
"If we don’t change,
we don’t grow.
If we don’t grow,
we aren’t really living. "
Gail Sheehy,
Author, Journalist, Lecturer
Club Quality Initiative Program
Change is critical for each club.
By understanding our current operation,
identifying areas that may be improved
and taking measured steps
to accomplish our goals,
every club can be even better!
is excited to be hosting the
Special Olympics High School Provincial Meet in May
and the
Peterborough Special Olympics Committee
looking for volunteers for the weekend.
More than 1,000 high school athletes from ages 13 to 21 and coaches from Ontario, Canada and the United States will compete on behalf of their school at venues across the city from
May 29 to 31, 2018
in five sports: basketball, bocce, floor hockey, soccer and track and field.
Lion Theresa Hewitt
Chair District A-3 Special Olympics Committee
Attention Newcastle Lions Members
The Chicken BBQ needs you!
Please let Lion Joyce know if you’re available to help at the BBQ
on Sunday May 6, 2017.
We need members to help during the day with set up and food preparation, and Lions for various duties for each of the two sittings and clean-up.
Contact Lion Joyce with your availability
call or text 905-404-5501
You can also volunteer to sell tickets!!
Contact Lion Linda Bray or Lion
Heather if you need tickets.
Day of Service
April 21, 2018
9am - 1pm
MacDonalds parking lot
Week of Service 2018 - Road Clean Up
McDonald's Newcastle would be delighted to provide the Newcastle Lions "Clean Up" Crew
a Free Coffee after your clean up on Saturday April 21st
Rob Hollinger, the General Manager at the restaurant, and his team will be pleased to welcome you and are thankful for your efforts in our community.
Soper Creek Rescue Center Guest Speaker
Vinnie will be 2 in June
1. Vinnie has 30,000 quills which cannot be "shot at you".
2. The barbs on the quills are activated by blood.
3. In mating season, male porcupines urinate on themselves to attract females.... yuck!
The Warsaw and District Lions Club
"Cruise Nights 2018"
The Lions Park - Warsaw
Every Wednesday 6pm to 8pm
(Weather Permiting)
From May 23 to Aug 29, 2018
Classic Cars, Motorcycles
The General Public are welcome
BBQ, 50/50, Prizes and more...
50th Anniversary Celebration: Enter the Together We Can Contest Series: Disaster Relief Edition |
Lakeridge Health is Looking for Your Input
Please complete a brief survey to inform the future of Durham Region’s acute care system
Durham Region -- As Lakeridge Health evolves as a five-hospital regional system of acute care, it must ensure it can meet the health care needs of the communities it serves today and into the future. To help guide how and where health care services will be delivered over the next 20 years and beyond, Lakeridge Health is developing a Master Plan, which is a roadmap for the future of care delivery in Durham Region.
Significant consultation is underway to collect insights from Lakeridge Health’s patients, their families, residents of Durham Region, as well as staff, partners and others who are interested in the future of the regional system of acute care. To complement this process, today, an online survey is being released to collect the perspectives of the following people:
- Patients, families and residents of Durham region:
- Health service providers and partners of Lakeridge Health:
- Lakeridge Health Staff and Team Members:
Please spend 10-15 minutes to complete this survey before March 11, 2018, and kindly send the links to the survey to those in your network. The results of the survey will be analyzed and included in the master planning process.
Quick Facts:
- Lakeridge Health is a regional acute care system with hospitals in Ajax, Bowmanville, Oshawa, Port Perry and Whitby, as well as more than a dozen community health locations across Durham Region. In addition to being a regional cancer treatment centre, Lakeridge Health also specializes in regional mental health, eye care and nephrology services.
- With a team of more than 5,000 staff and 650 doctors, Lakeridge Health provides safe, quality care to residents from across Durham Region.
- Lakeridge Health is undertaking extensive community consultations to seek input from the residents of Durham and its stakeholders, such as its funders, provider partners, and local leadership, to inform its long term planning from January to March 2018.
For more information contact:
Lakeridge Health Communications
T. 905.576.8711 extension 4317
Read this news update on our website
View more General notifications.
Lions Tom and Carl cleanup of Adopt-A-Road north of the village - May 14/17
And all the additional Lion's helpers afterward at McDonald's

Please join us for Newcastle Lions 22nd Annual Lions Foundation of Canada Walk for Dog Guides
on 1st Saturday of October. See Pet Valu site for more details.
Registration opens at 8:00 AM - Walk starts at 9:00 AM
100% of the funds raised will be sent to the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guide Programs. They trains dog guides to assist the blind, hearing, special skills, seizure response, autism, and diabetic alert.
The cost of training a Dog Guide is over $25,000.00. Dog Guides are free to qualified recipients.
We were the 7th largest in fundraising for this purpose in CANADA.
For more information call Jean Graham 905-987-5239 or
PAST EVENTS :- Terry Fox Run Sep 23/12 - Lions Ken, Harold, Tom B and David
Memorial Forest - Oct 26
This is what we do ..... Service to our Newcastle community
The LC October work party gang Put our new member Tom to work
Walk for Dog Guides-2009 Hot Dog BBQ - October Fall Festival
Memorial Forest - Dedication Day Stan Powell Family
Click on this link for more ......
Dedication of trees in the Forest[]=128519
See Newcastle ON Wikipedia Website ........ Newcastle On.
Regular Club Meetings - Second and Fourth Wednesday's
See the Calendar
Lions Club Recent Events:
Annual Corn Roast (July) - Fun for all Lion Members
Annual Dog Guide Walk (October)- Another $20,000+ raised for LCIF Dog Guides
Annual Steak BBQ Night (August)- Fun for all Lions & Guests
Memorial Forest - Forest is full - all trees are dedicated on Cobbledick Rd.
Annual Millionaires Night - November - $1000.00 Prize
Annual Santa Claus Parade - Lions float and selling Buttons to support the parade
Lions Club Annual Xmas Party
New Year's Party - Yearly fundraiser for over 30 years
Vision Screening - 4 schools - Kindergarton and SK classes
Annual Chicken BBQ fundraiser - 1st Sunday in May
Annual 'Adopt- A-Road' - Lions cleanup of RD 17 & North St. - May
Annual Greek Night in June - Fundraiser for Lakeridge Hospital - Bowmanville
Scrap Metal Bin (All Year) - Rona Store -275 Toronto St.
Quotes of the Month:
"If you can DREAM it, you can DO it."
-- Walt Disney
"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the
-- Les Brown
"Aerodynamically a bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but
the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying
-- Mary Kay Ash
"You don't get to choose how you're going to die, or when.
You can only decide how you're going to live. Now."
-- Joan Baez
"Imagination is the highest kite that one can fly."
-- Lauren Bacall
Dogs Guides Canada provide K-9 Vision, Hearing Ear and Special Skill dogs to assist their respective owners. They assist in and around the home with daily activities.
Tell a Friend!
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.