2021-2022 Leeward Oahu Lions
Sight is Beautiful Poster Winners
Gr 3 Winner: Evan B. Kalei'opu'u Elementary
Gr. 6 Winner: Highvee, Kalei'opu'u Elementary
2022-2023 Leeward Oahu Lions Club Officers
(left to right) Director Henry A. (2yrs), Director Patrick C. (2yrs), Director Bobby B. (1yr), Membership Chair Susan M., Secretary Virginia P., Treasurer Erica-May M., 1st VP Gail K., President Heather V., DGE Gary N. (Photo missing for Director Maureen A.(1yr)
On June 8, 2022 at Waipio Big City Diner, DGE Gary N. installed the 22-23 Leeward Oahu Lions Club Officers. It was the first time since the Pandemic began that the club held their meeting face-to-face. Those present enjoyed their time together after such a long time.
Thank you to DGE Gary N. and CIS Joyce N. for supporting our club at our special occasion.
2022-2023 Leeward Oahu Lions
Waipahu High School Scholarship Recipients
Meridian Pacific in partnership with Leeward Oahu Lions have provided four 4yr scholarships. Each recipient receives $2500 each of the four (4) years if they meet set criteria: 1) Attend as a full-time student; 2) Maintain at least a 3.0 GPA; and 3) Attend higher education for 4 years.
These deserving scholarship recipients are: Arianne C., Gerryzze I., Janelle R., and Clarise W.
(left to right) Lion Gail K., Meridian Pacific Scholarship recipients: Adrianne C., Gerryzze I., Janelle R., and Clarisa W.,Linda I. from Meridian Pacific, and Lion Virgiinia P.
Leeward Oahu Lions gave out (3) three- $1,000 scholarships. Leeward Oahu Lions, LIons Naoto and Jane Tateyama donated two (2) $1,000 scholarships. and Lion Virginia P. donated one (1) $1,000 scholarship. These recipients are: Karla A., Allanah D., and Pamela V.
(left to right) Lion Gail K., Leeward Oahu Lions Scholarship recipients: Pamela V., Allanah D., and Karla A.
All Leeward Oahu Lions scholarship recipients answered 6 interview quetions via Zoom, along with completing a scholarship application, obtaining letters of recommendations, and holding at least a 3.0 grade point average.
Congratulations Graduates!
Best wishes for a successful future!
Leeward Oahu Lions
Sight is Beautiful Poster Contest Winners
Div. 3 Winning Poster Div. 3 winner Evan B.
Div. 6 Winning Poster Div. 6 Winner-Highvee C.
Due to the Pandemic, Kalei'opu'u Elementary was the only school that participated in the Sight is Beautiful Poster Contest. There were over 100 Sight is Beautiful posters that made it difficult for Leeward Oahu Lions to judge. We are excited to announce Evan B. placed 1st place in Division 3 and Highvee C. placed 1st place in Division 6.
Both 1st place winning posters were sent to represent the club in Region IV Zone 2 Sight is Beautiful Poster Contest. We are happy to announce, Highvee C. poster was awarded 1st place for Region IV Zone 2. His poster was sent on to the D50 Hawaii Lions to be judged to represent Hawaii. Unfortunately, his poster was not selected.
Leeward Oahu Lions would like to thank Mrs. Christy I. who submitted posters from their school. We hope, next school year, more schools will participate.
2021-2022 Leeward Oahu Lions Club Officers
June 9, 2021 via Zoom
Immediate Past President President
Angelica Ponce Erica-May Mateo
1st V. President Sec./Co-Treas
Heather Valdez Virginia Padayhag
Treasurer Membership Chair
Gail Kono Susan Moniz
Henry Aquino (1yr.) Patrick Chung (1yr.)
Bobby Balais (2yrs.) Kent Kudo (2yrs.)
Tail Twister Lion Tamer
Maria-Clara Converse Keane Muranaka
Best Wishes for a successful 2021-2022 year!
Congratulations to Waipahu High School
2020-2021 Scholarship Recipients!
May 2021
(From Left to right) Recipients: Grace C., (Lion Susan), Janna P., Antoinette P., Royce I.(not pictured)
Each recipient received $1000 scholarship. Besides Leeward Oahu Club donating a $1000 scholarship, the following club members also donated scholarships: Wayne and Dr. Cora Oshiro-$1,000, Virginia P.-$1000, Susan M., Maria C., Olivia- $1000. Mahalo to these members for their donation and the acknowlegement that on-going learning is vital to positive contributing members of our society.
(From Left to right) Recipients: Jezralyn D., Hollie R., Marc G., Trisha Mae V.
Thank you to Waipahu Town Center. This is the fourth year that they have donated scholarships, This year they donated four scholarships. Each scholarship recipient will receive $2500 each year of their four years of college as long as they fulfill their academic requirements. Mahalo Waipahu Town Center.
2020-2021 Leeward Oahu Lions Club Officers
July 7, 2020 via Zoom
Installation of the 2020-2021 club officers was done via Zoom.
Immediate Past President President
Patrick Chung Angelica Ponce
1st Vice President 2nd Vice President
Erica May Mateo Heather Valdez
Secretary Treasurer
Virginia Padayhag Wayne Oshiro
Co-Treasurer Membership Chair
Keane Muranaka Susan Moniz
Henry Aquino (2yrs.) Maureen Andrade (2yrs.)
Gail Kono (1yr.), Kent Kudo (1yr.)
Tail Twister Lion Tamer
Maria-Clara Converse Bobby Balais
Best Wishes on a successful 2020-2021 year!
Congratulations to Waipahu High School 2018-2019 Scholarship Recipients!
April 24, 2019 at Boys and Girls Night
Leeward Oahu Lions Club Meeting
(From left to right) Recipients:Raquel C.,Karah T.,Kim A.,Emily M.,Laura D.
Each recipient received $1000 scholarship. Besides Leeward Oahu Club donating a $1000 scholarship, the following club members also donated scholarships: Wayne and Cora Oshiro-$1,000. Mahalo to these members for their donation and the acknowlegement that on-going learning is vital to positive contributing members of our society.
Thank you to Waipahu Town Center. This is the third year that they have donated two scholarships. Each scholarship recipient will receive $2500 each year of their four years of college as long as they fulfill their academic requirements. Mahalo Waipahu Town Center.
Congratulations 2017-2018 100% Attendance Awardees!
From left to right: Virginia Padayhag (not pictured), Lion Gail Kono,
Lion Angelica Ponce, Lion Susan Moniz, and Lion Wayne Oshiro
Induction of New Member
June 13, 2018 at Pearl Country Club
PDG Ernie Chang inducted new Leo to Lion member Erica Mae Mateo sponsored by Lion Angelica Ponce.
Welcome Erica Mae Mateo to the Leeward Oahu Lions Family!!!
Congratulations to Waipahu High School Scholarship Recipients!
May 15, 2018 at Waipahu High School Awards Assembly
(From left to right)Recipients:Jillian P., Kera H., Alisha R., and Leanne V.
Each recipient received $1000 scholarship. Besides Leeward Oahu Club donating a $1000 scholarship, the following club members also donated scholarships: Wayne and Cora Oshiro-$1,000; Nadine Stollenmaier-Dunhill Professional Services-$1,000; Susan Moniz-$500; Maria-Clara Converse-$500. Mahalo to these members for their donation and the acknowlegement that on-going learning is vital to positive contributing members of our society.
Leeward Oahu Lions Meridian Pacific Ltd. 4 year Scholarship recipients...
May 15, 2018 at Waipahu High School Awards Assembly
(from left to right) Leeward Oahu Lions Pres. Gail Kono, recipient Ashley N. and Edna Mae F., Meridian Pacific representative Lou, Lion Susan Moniz
Thank you to Meridian Pacific, Ltd. This is the second year that they have donated two scholarships. Each scholarship recipient will receive $2500 each year of their four years of college as long as they fulfill their academic requirements. Mahalo Meridian Pacific, Ltd.
Leeward Oahu Lions Annual Chicken Fundraiser
March 3, 2018
at Waipahu United Church of Christ
Leeward Oahu Lions held their annual chicken fundraiser at Waipahu United Church of Christ. Without the help of the Waipahu Leos Club and Boy Scout Pack #32 our fundraiser would not be a success. Mahalo!
Leeward Oahu Lions: Bobby, Kent, Patrick, Keane, Scott, Kay, Susan, Maureen, Angelica, Heather, and Gail. Mahalo!
We were also honored to have special guests, DG Blayne Hanagami, VDG Bob Lee, and Miu Lan.
Officers (Left to Right): Henry A. -Director; Susan M.- Membership Chair; Patrick C.-Director; Angelica P.- Lion Tamer; Kay M.-3rd Vice Pres.; Scott F. -2nd Vice Pres.; Virginia P.- Secretary; Gail K.-President; PDG Chris T.(Guest from Pearl City Lion); Bobby B.-1st Vice Pres.
Missing in picture: Wayne O.-Treasurer; Maria C.- Tail Twister; Maureen A.-Director; Kent K.-Director; Keane M.-I.P.P.
Kalei'opu'u Elementary August Ahrens Elementary
Waipahu Elementary Kalei'opu'u Elementary
It was such a success that all Waipahu Complex Elementary Schools are looking forward to next year’s hearing screening.
Fellow Lions and Retired teachers!!! See you again next year!
Congratulations 2016-2017 Leeward Oahu Lions Leaders!
Installation Night at Pearl Country Club
June 8, 2016
Leaders: President:Gail K., 1st VP: Bobby B., 2nd VP: Scott F.(not present, 3rd VP: Kay M., Treasurer: Wayne C., Secretary: Virginia P. , Directors: Henry A., Maureen A.(not present), Kent K.(not present), Eddie U.(not present), Tail Twister: Marie C., Lion Tamer: Fred V. (not present), Membership Chair: Susan M.(not present)
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.