Broadalbin-Perth Lions Receive St. Mary's Carondelet Grant
Amsterdam, N.Y. - July 24, 2023 -- Jeff Methven, President/CEO St. Mary's, left, and Margaret Brodie, Vice President Mission Advancement and Patient Experience St. Mary's, right, present Broadalbin-Perth Lions President Bob Townsend, center, with a certificate representing a $1000 grant to the Lions for their continued humanitarian efforts in the greater Broadalbin-Perth-Mayfield community during a ceremony at St. Mary's.
The Carondelet Community Fund was originally established in 1996 as a Board Designated Fund to honor and continue the spirit of St. Mary’s founders, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. The Sisters mission of service is rooted in a commitment of outreach to the “Dear Neighbor.” The Fund seeks to provide modest assistance to local programs and agencies whose values and mission align with the mission and values of St. Mary’s Healthcare.
"We are pleased to recognize the Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club, one of our community partners, with this award for their dedication and commitment to our community," said Methven.
Photo courtesy St. Mary's Healthcare Amsterdam.

Broadalbin-Perth Lions Install New Officers and Induct New Members
Galway, N.Y., June 15, 2023 -- A slate of new officers was installed and two new members were inducted at the June 15th meeting of the Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club, held at C&R's Restaurant in Galway.
The Lions officers are the leadership team that will guide the B-P Lions through their activity year which runs from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.
Past District Governor Dick Ralston, a member of the Club, did the honors of delivering the oaths of office to those assuming the positions of president, vice-president/marketing chair, secretary, treasurer, and Lion Tamer. Lions Bob Townsend, Ed Balaban, Valerie Kevlin, Tom Kevlin, and Bill Suchy, respectively, all accepted their continuing responsibilities as each is serving a second consecutive term.
Immediately following the induction of the new officers, Ralston inducted two new members to the Club, Larry Boutillette and Tim Ott. President Bob Townsend sponsored the new members into the Broadalbin-Perth pride. Ralston challenged all the Lions present to renew their oaths to service.
New leadership team of the Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club includes, from left, Treasurer Tom Kevlin, Secretary Valerie Kevlin, President Bob Townsend, Vice President/Marketing Chair Ed Balaban, and Lion Tamer Bill Suchy. Past District Governor Dick Ralston, right, officiated the installation. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Larry Boutillette).
Swelling with pride at the induction of new Lions are, from left, Broadalbin-Perth Lion President Bob Townsend, who sponsored both Lion Larry Boutillette and Lion Tim Ott, and presiding officer Past District Governor Dick Ralston. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Ed Balaban).
Broadalbin-Perth Lions Recognize Community Service Standouts
Broadalbin, NY, June 6, 2023 - Local students, educators and community leaders were recognized by the Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club at an awards event held at the historic Broadalbin Hotel.
Each year, the Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club presents awards to graduating seniors from Broadalbin-Perth and Mayfield Central Schools, acknowledging these students' community service as demonstrated by their involvement and activities in school, church and local organizations.
Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club President Bob Townsend said “we come together to celebrate some very exceptional young adults as well as show our appreciation to all of you who are partners in our mission of 'We Serve'".
This year's recipients are Adrianna Sheckton of Broadalbin-Perth and Isabella Towne of Mayfield. Each student received $2000 towards their future endeavors. Applicants for the award were submitted by each school district to the Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club. A committee reviewed the applications and those selected were done so based on their overall commitment to the Lions' mission of "We Serve."
Shectkon has been cited for academic excellence and is President of Key Club, Vice President of National Honor Society, Vice President of Future Business Leaders of America, member of the varsity soccer team, and student representative to the Board of Education. She has received the Girl Scout Silver and Bronze Award, and placed third at the regional level of the Future Business Leaders of America speaking competition for each of the past two years. She also interned with the Amsterdam Mohawks baseball team during the summer of 2022
Shectkon will be attending St. John Fisher University, in Pittsford, in the fall and will major in marketing and communication.
Towne has been cited for academic excellence and has played on the soccer and softball teams. She is also a member of National Honor Society, Co-President of Student Council, Key Club, Drama Club, and served as Class Representative. She has been cited as a Student of the Month, recognized on Principal's List, and is the recipient of the St. Rose Presidential Scholarship.
Towne will be attending SUNY Plattsburgh in the fall and hopes to be a nurse.
Recognition was also given to 10th graders Alexis Lin and Hannah Nolett of Broadalbin-Perth, and Maya Rohling of Mayfield, who represented their respective schools at the Hugh O'Brien Youth (HOBY) Leadership Forum this spring. The Broadalbin-Perth Lions are sponsors of the HOBY program, which is designed to help high school sophomores to recognize their leadership talents and apply them to become effective, ethical leaders in their home, school, and community. Lions Clubs International has several Global Causes, said Townsend, but there is none more important than engaging with our youth through programs focused on service and leadership development.
Master of Ceremonies Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club President Bob Townsend lauded the students recognized “not only for their academic successes, but also for their service to their schools and communities as they are making a difference in the lives of others".
Townsend explained that the evening was also an opportunity to “celebrate our Partners in Service”. He brought attention to the printed program which cited 57 organizations and businesses in the greater Broadalbin-Perth-Mayfield community which supported the Broadalbin-Perth Lions during the year. We greatly value your support, said Townsend, and want to formally say, 'thank you'!"
Townsend recognized the following organizations who have partnered with the Broadalbin-Perth Lions: Adirondack Wood Floor Company, Bob’s Trees, Boy Scout Troop 51, Broadalbin Backpack Program, Broadalbin-Perth High School Key Club and National Honor Society, Broadalbin Youth Commission, Carondelet Community Fund, Mayfield Backpack Program, Mayfield Central School National Honor Society, Perth Youth Commission, and WENT AM/FM. Townsend emphasized that “every dime we generate goes back to the community, and we look forward to continuing our service through partnerships.”
Broadalbin Youth Commission member Keith Buchanan, acknowledging the Lions’ overall impact in the community, led the audience in applause when he said, “Let’s give the Lions a hand for all that they have done and continue to do!”

B-P Lions Club President and Master of Ceremonies Bob Townsend, right, presents Broadalbin-Perth High School senior Adrianna Sheckton, left, with a $2000 check and certificate recognizing her community service. Sheckton will be attending St. John Fisher University and will major in marketing and communication. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Ed Balaban).
B-P Lions Club President Bob Townsend, right, congratulates Broadalbin-Perth High School 10th grader Alexis Lin, left, on her participation in the Hugh O'Brien Youth (HOBY) Leadership development program. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Ed Balaban).
B-P Lions Club President Bob Townsend, right, congratulates Broadalbin-Perth High School 10th grader Hannah Nolett, left, on her participation in the Hugh O'Brien Youth (HOBY) Leadership development program. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Ed Balaban).
Mayfield Central School senior Isabella Towne, right, receives a $2000 check and certificate recognizing her community service from B-P Lions President Bob Townsend, left. Towne will be attending SUNY Plattsburgh in the fall and hopes to be a nurse. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Ed Balaban).
Broadalbin-Perth Lions Donate to Lions' State Project
Perth, N.Y., May 25, 2023 -- Broadalbin-Perth Lion Tom Kevlin stands behind the 108 birdhouses he made and is donating on behalf of his Club to Lions Camp Badger, a project of the New York State and Bermuda Lions. The camp became a statewide Lions project in 1980.
The camp's mission is to provide services that enhance the educational, vocational, personal growth and independence of differently-abled individuals.
The donated birdhouses will provide an opportunity for those attending the camp to further develop their creative and motor skills by decorating and painting the unfinished birdhouses.
Lion Tom, and his wife, Lion Valerie, represent the Northern New York Lions on Camp Badger's board of directors. They, along with members of the Town of Greenfield Lions Club, will spend the Memorial Day weekend at the camp preparing the facility for the summer influx of campers.
Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions/Lion Ed Balaban
Broadalbin-Perth Lions Broadcast Live On Air
Gloversville, N.Y., May 13, 2023 -- The Broadalbin-Perth Lions broadcast live over the airwaves at WENT Radio during Saturday morning, May 13, as the feature of the station's Lions Information Day. The Lions discussed their local missions as well as what specifically drew each individual into becoming a Lion while interspersing the conversations with advertisements from local area businesses. WENT Radio personality Tim Murphy moderated the program which began at 6:30 AM and ran through noon.
While many Lions actively sought business involvement, the Lions who were on the air were club president Bob Townsend, Ed Balaban, Tom Kevlin and Don Savoie.
The Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club is part of Lions Clubs International, the largest service club organization in the world. More than 1.4 million members in over 48,000 clubs are serving in 200 countries and geographic areas around the globe. Since 1917, Lions have strengthened local communities through hands-on service and humanitarian projects, and extend their service impact through the generous support of Lions Clubs International Foundation. Lions are focused on supporting vision, the environment, childhood cancer, hunger, diabetes and other pressing humanitarian needs to help address some of the biggest challenges facing humanity. All funds generated by the Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club are used to support these global causes at the local level throughout the greater Broadalbin-Perth-Mayfield community.

Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club President Bob Townsend, left, explains the mission of Lions to WENT Radio personality Tim Murphy, right, and the listening audience during the station's Lions Information Day broadcast on Saturday morning, May 13. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions/Lion Ed Balaban).
Breaking for a commercial, WENT Radio personality Tim Murphy, foreground, and Broadalbin-Perth Lions, from left, Don Savoie, Tom Kevlin and club president Bob Townsend in the WENT studio. The station's Lions Information Day broadcast afforded the Lions to reach out to a wider audience and explain what they do as well as promote the businesses in the area who support them. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions/Lion Ed Balaban).
Broadalbin-Perth Lions, from left, Tom Kevlin, Bob Townsend, and Don Savoie are "On The Air" with WENT Radio personality Tim Murphy, right, during the station's Lions Information Day broadcast on Saturday morning, May 13. The station's LionsInformation Day broadcast afforded the Lions to reach out to a wider audience and explain what they do as well as promote the businesses in the area who support them. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions/Lion Ed Balaban).
Broadalbin-Perth Lions Recover "Lost" Gavel
Greenfield Center, NY, May 10, 2023 -- Members of the Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club paid a visit to the Town of Greenfield Lionsin a show of fellowship and to reclaim their club gavel, which was whisked away at a joint meeting of the two clubs in late March.
It is a long standing Lions tradition to try to obtain a souvenir or memento of the host club during joint club visits. Somehow, the Broadalbin-Perth gavel was spirited away with the Greenfield Lions, who were kind enough to reach out to BP Lions Club President Bob Townsend and invite him and his Lions to visit Greenfield and recover the lost gavel.
Broadalbin-Perth Lions President Bob Townsend, left, receives his club's "lost" gavel from Town of Greenfield Lions President Verna Plummer, right, at the Greenfield club's meeting on May 10. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions/Lion Ed Balaban).
Town of Greenfield Lions Elizabeth Marzano, left, and King Lion Verna Plummer, right, flank Broadalbin-Perth Lions President Bob Townsend, center, as he is presented with his "lost" gavel at the Greenfield club's meeting on May 10. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions/Lion Ed Balaban).
Broadalbin-Perth Lions Kickoff Spring Soccer
Broadalbin, NY, May 6, 2023 -- The Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club showed their ongoing support of the Broadalbin Youth Commission when they set up their refreshment tent at this weekend's start of the spring soccer season at the Broadalbin Town Athletic Fields.
The Lions' involvement with the BYC is one of their local efforts aligned with Lions Clubs International's focus area of positive youth development.
The Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club is part of Lions Clubs International, the largest service club organization in the world. More than 1.4 million members in over 48,000 clubs are serving in 200 countries and geographic areas around the globe. Since 1917, Lions have strengthened local communities through hands-on service and humanitarian projects, and extend their service impact through the generous support of Lions Clubs International Foundation. Lions are focused on supporting vision, the environment, childhood cancer, hunger, diabetes and other pressing humanitarian needs to help address some of the biggest challenges facing humanity. All funds generated by the Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club are used to support these global causes at the local level throughout the greater Broadalbin-Perth-Mayfield community.

Broadalbin-Perth Lions, from left, Mike Auricchio, Debbie Murphy and Bill Suchy take a break in front of their trailer at the opener of the Broadalbin Youth Commision's fall soccer season on Saturday, May 6, at the Broadalbin Town Athletic Fields. The BP Lions offer refreshments and snacks during the games, held every Saturday morning through the end of June. All proceeds and donations go back into the greater Broadalbin-Perth-Mayfield community. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions/Lion Ed Balaban).
Broadalbin-Perth Lions Bill Suchy, background, and Debbie Murphy, left foreground, serve hungry and thirsty parents and children at the Broadalbin Youth Commision's spring soccer season opener at the Broadalbin Town Athletic Fields, Saturday, May 6. All proceeds and donations go back into the greater Broadalbin-Perth-Mayfield community. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions/Lion Ed Balaban).
Broadalbin-Perth Lions Presence Felt at
Fulton-Montgomery County Home Show/Craft Fair
Broadalbin, N.Y., April 29, 2023 -- The Broadalbin-Perth Lions made their presence felt at this weekend's Fulton-Montgomery County Home Show and Craft Fair at the Broadalbin-Perth High School.
As in years past, the B-P Lions operated the primary food concession, offering chili, pizza, hot dogs, candy, fruit/vegetable cups, coffee, and a variety of soft drinks. The weekend's damp and dreary weather seemed to increase the event's attendance thereby keeping the Lions busy in meeting the crowd's appetite.
B-P High School student volunteers took food orders from vendors and shuttled meals between the concession and exhibits during the course of the event. B-P Lions Club President Bob Townsend said, "we welcome the student involvement because it provides an opportunity for our young people to get involved in community service as well as foster leadership skills".
The Lions also held a raffle for a custom made dining table donated by Lion Don Savoie, owner of Adirondack Wood Floor Company. Savoie said that "the table is made from timbers from a home that was constructed in 1872, and the reclaiming of the wood relates to one of Lions' global causes of being good stewards of the environment".
The Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club is part of Lions Clubs International, the largest service club organization in the world. More than 1.4 million members in over 48,000 clubs are serving in 200 countries and geographic areas around the globe. Since 1917, Lions have strengthened local communities through hands-on service and humanitarian projects, and extend their service impact through the generous support of Lions Clubs International Foundation. Lions are focused on supporting vision, the environment, childhood cancer, hunger, diabetes and other pressing humanitarian needs to help address some of the biggest challenges facing humanity. All funds generated by the Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club are used to support these global causes at the local level throughout the greater Broadalbin-Perth-Mayfield community.

Broadalbin-Perth Lions Bill Suchy, left, Tim Ott, center, and Mike Auricchio, right, prepare for a hungry crowd at the food concession at the Fulton-Montgomery County Home Show and Craft Fair held at Broadalbin-Perth High School this weekend. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions/Lion Ed Balaban).
Members of the Broadalbin-Perth Lions, from left, President Bob Townsend, Debbie Murphy, Bill Suchy, Valerie Kevlin, Tom Kevlin, Jean Barnoski, Tim Munn, Mike Auricchio, Mary Balaban, and Tim Ott prepared and sold food and raffle tickets during the Fulton-Montgomery County Home Show and Craft Fair held at Broadalbin-Perth High School this weekend. Several other Lions participated during the two-day event. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions/Lion Ed Balaban).

Broadalbin-Perth Lion Debbie Murphy, left, and Club President Bob Townsend, right, with Broadalbin-Perth High School student volunteers at this weekend's Fulton-Montgomery County Home Show and Craft Fair held at Broadalbin-Perth High School. The student volunteers took food orders from vendors and shuttled meals between the Lions' concession and exhibits during the course of the event. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions/Lion Ed Balaban).

Broadalbin-Perth Lions Debbie Murphy, left foreground, and Tom Kevlin, right foreground, check on food in preparation for a hungry crowd at this weekend's Fulton-Montgomery County Home Show and Craft Fair held at Broadalbin-Perth High School. Behind them are Lions Valerie Kevlin, left, and Tim Munn, right, monitoring another food station. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions/Lion Ed Balaban).

Broadalbin-Perth Lion Mary Balaban, sitting left, and Club President Bob Townsend, foreground, promote the Club and its raffle of a table made of reclaimed timber at the Fulton-Montgomery County Home Show and Craft Fair held at Broadalbin-Perth High School this weekend. The table was made and donated to the Club by Lion Don Savoie, owner of Adirondack Wood Floor Company. All proceeds go to support the Club's humanitarian efforts throughout the greater Broadalbin-Perth-Mayfield community. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions/Lion Ed Balaban).
Broadalbin-Perth Lions Engage on Earth Day
Vail Mills, N.Y., Apr. 22, 2023 -- Embracing a Lions' Global Cause, environment, Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club members took to the Vail Mills-Broadalbin segment of the Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville Rail Trail this Earth Day to do their share to sustainably protect and restore the environment to improve the well-being of the surrounding community.
The Lions scoured the two mile stretch of the paved over roadbed and gathered debris, trash, and other discarded items in an effort to keep the trail clean and improve quality of life and increase engagement in the local community.
Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club President Bob Townsend echoed Lions Clubs International's statement on environment, saying "Our environment is more than a background: it’s our home. And we’re committed to caring for it."
Broadalbin-Perth Lion Tim Munn fills his trash bag along the Vail Mills-Broadalbin segment of the Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville Rail Trail this Earth Day. Lions' stewardship of natural resources can improve quality of life and increase engagement in local communities. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions/Lion Ed Balaban).
Broadalbin-Perth Lions, from left, Tim Ott, Tim Munn and his partner in service Christine Munn, during a break in their clean up of the Vail Mills-Broadalbin segment of the Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville Rail Trail this Earth Day. Lions' stewardship of natural resources can improve quality of life and increase engagement in local communities. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions/Lion Ed Balaban).
Broadalbin-Perth Lion Tom Kevlin, left background, reaches for debris near the Vail Mills-Broadalbin segment of the Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville Rail Trail this Earth Day. Lions' stewardship of natural resources can improve quality of life and increase engagement in local communities. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions/Lion Ed Balaban).
Lions from Three Clubs Gather in Galway
Galway, NY, March 23, 2023 -- The Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club played host to members of the Town of Greenfield Lions and Saratoga Springs Lions Clubs at their regular meeting held at C&R Restaurant this evening.
This joint meeting afforded the Clubs the opportunity to share information regarding upcoming events, fundraisers and other mutually beneficial activities as well as serve as a time of fellowship and the making of new friendships.
Three past district governors were in attendance, a special and unique occurrence in Lionism.
Three Lions' Past District Governors were in attendance at a joint meeting hosted by the Broadalbin-Perth Lions on March 23 at C&R Restaurant in Galway. On hand, from left, PDG John McDonald (Saratoga Springs Lions), Broadalbin-Perth Lion President Bob Townsend, PDG Joe Jarvis (Town of Greenfield Lions), and PDG Ed Stano, Jr. (Town of Greenfield Lions). The clubs discussed upcoming activities and possible mutual support in future endeavors that would continue to support their respective communities. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions/Lion Ed Balaban)
Broadalbin-Perth Lions Sponsor Scouts for DEC Summer Camp
Broadalbin, N.Y. -- At a recent Boy Scout Breakfast held at the Broadalbin VFW Post 8690, Members of the Broadalbin-Perth Lions sponsored two scouts for this year's DEC Summer Camp. "This sponsorship ties in with the Lions' global causes of environmental education and youth involvement," said Lion Don Savoie.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation camps combine environmental education, hunter education programs, and outdoor recreation into a fun adventure. A hands-on approach is used to teach about the environment.
Campers have the opportunity to learn outdoor skills including backpacking, camping, and canoeing. They will explore New York's diverse habitats, have the chance to learn basic ecological concepts, and how human activities affect the environment. Campers solve challenges, explore environmental concepts, practice outdoor skills, and spend the week immersed in nature. The 2022 Camp Season marked 75 years of fostering a love for the natural world.
The scouts' camp attendance will further their progress in meeting requirements for merit badges in these areas of study.
Broadalbin-Perth Lions Tom Kevlin and Don Savoie, left, presented the Lions' sponsorship check to Scouts Tucker Pettit, third from left, and Kaden Sweeney, second from right, as Assistant Scoutmaster Mike Sweeney, third from right, and Scoutmaster Glenn Thompson proudly look on. Supporting the Scouts and environmental education are causes in which the Lions are involved globally and take action locally. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions).
Broadalbin-Perth Lions "Rise Against Hunger" -
Local Effort Towards Global Mission
Feb. 5, 2023, Broadalbin, N.Y. -- The Broadalbin-Perth Lions participated in the "Rise Against Hunger" meal packaging event held today at the Broadalbin-Perth High School. More than 46,000 meals were packaged.
Rise Against Hunger, an international humanitarian organization, is growing a global movement to end hunger by empowering communities, nourishing lives and responding to emergencies. With locations across the U.S. and five international offices, the organization provides immediate nourishment for those facing hunger today and implements sustainable solutions that will lift entire communities for years to come.
Bob Townsend, Broadalbin-Perth Lions President, said that "addressing hunger is one of the Lions' global causes and we serve to ensure all community members have access to nutritious foods. Joining with Rise Against Hunger in this effort is a prime example of how we as individuals and organizations can act locally and have a global impact."
Broadalbin-Perth Lions participated in the "Rise Against Hunger" meal packaging event held at the Broadalbin-Perth High School. More than 46,000 meals were packaged. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions).
Broadalbin-Perth Lions, from left, Don Savoie, Valerie Kevlin, Sue Phillips, Tom Kevlin, and Debbie Murphy work a meal packaging station during the Rise Against Hunger meal packaging event held at the Broadalbin-Perth High School. Along with volunteers and other community organizations, more than 46,000 meals were packaged. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions).
"That's a Wrap!" as Broadalbin-Perth Lions and
Local Students Team Up at Bob's Trees
Hagaman, N.Y., Dec. 10, 2022 -- The Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club was assisted by students of the Broadalbin-Perth High School Key Club and National Honor Society, Boy Scout Troop 5051B, and students from Mayfield High School's National Honor Society in a day-long Christmas tree wrapping and fund raising project at Bob's Trees last Saturday. The Lions and their young community partners staffed four locations around the sprawling tree farm and provided tree wrapping and tie down services to customers at the popular location. Students' time spent assisting the B-P Lions was credited to their community service graduation requirement and the Scouts earned credit toward their respective merit badges.

Lions, students, and scouts team up to muscle a large tree through a wrapping fixture during the Broadalbin-Perth Lions Tree Wrapping Fund Raiser at Bob's Trees. Community service credit was earned by the students and the Scouts got closer to their merit badges. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Ed Balaban).
A cold and clear December day brought many out to Bob's Trees where the Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club was assisted by local high school students and Scouts during their annual Tree Wrapping Fund Raiser. The wrapping of trees was as brisk as the weather. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Ed Balaban).
Broadalbin-Perth Lions Rob Townsend, fourth from left, and Bill Suchy, far right, stand with members of Mayfield High School Honor Society during a break in their tree wrapping duties at Bob's Trees. Mayfield HS-NHS advisor Pam King, far left, also participated. The Lions certified the students' time for their community service credit graduation requirement. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Ed Balaban).
Broadalbin-Perth Lions Fill Backpacks in Mayfield
Mayfield, N.Y., Dec. 9, 2022 -- The Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club continued their efforts in combating hunger with another delivery of food to the Mayfield Central School District, part of an ongoing Backpack program to provide food to those students and their families who are struggling. The Lions picked up almost 500 pounds of food from a Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York truck they met in Amsterdam. They then made the trip to Mayfield where they joined with Mayfield Schools custodian J.P. Blais and offloaded staples and fresh fruit.
Broadalbin-Perth Lions, from left, Bill Suchy, Tom Kevlin, Club President Rob Townsend, and Mike Auricchio, stand with Mayfield School Custodian J.P. Blais, kneeling, with a delivery of almost 500 pounds of food to support the Backpack Program and provide food for students and families in need. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Ed Balaban).
Mayfield Schools Custodian J.P. Blais, left foreground, receives crates of food for the Backpack Program from Broadalbin-Perth Lions, from left, Bill Suchy, Tom Kevlin, Mike Auricchio, and Club President Rob Townsend during a delivery on Friday, Dec. 9. Combating hunger is one of the Lions' global missions, which is acted upon at the local level. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Ed Balaban).
Broadalbin-Perth Lions March in Annual Broadalbin Christmas Parade
Broadalbin, N.Y., Nov. 28, 2022 -- Members of the Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club participated in the village's annual Christmas Parade this evening, joining residents in ushering in the official start of the holiday season. Lions proudly displayed their banner in front of vehicles dressed in festive lighting and Lions emblems. Coloring books were handed to youngsters and an upcoming fund raising announcement was given to adults.
Broadalbin-Perth Lions, from left, Tom Kevlin, Marty Stewart, Tom Guiffre, Mike Auricchio, Mary Balaban, Club President Rob Townsend, Valerie Kevlin, and Bill Suchy are in the holiday spirit as they display their banner in front of their decorated trailer before the parade begins. The parade route began at the Broadalbin-Perth High School and wound its way through the village. Several hundred area residents lined the streets in the annual event. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions/Lion Ed Balaban)

Broadalbin-Perth Lions Tom Kevlin, left, and Valerie Kevlin, lead their fellow Lions in the annual Broadalbin Christmas Parade. Several hundred area residents lined the route to usher in the holiday season. (Photo courtesy Fulton County Area News).
Broadalbin-Perth Lions Mary (left, partially hidden) and Ed Balaban wave to the festive crowd during the Broadalbin Christmas Parade. Several hundred area residents lined the route to usher in the holiday season. (Photo courtesy Fulton County Area News).
Broadalbin-Perth Lions Announce Winter Fund Raiser with
Hoffman Car Wash Helping Hands
Broadalbin, N.Y., Nov. 22, 2022 -- The Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club is sponsoring car wash packages offered by Hoffman Car Wash Helping Hands.
Club President Bob Townsend said, 'I am excited to announce that our organization is participating in this Hoffman Car Wash Helping Hands fundraiser, which will run through the winter months."
Townsend explained that one can buy tickets and have them delivered electronically directly to an email or mobile device. "These car wash tickets make terrific stocking stuffers and are very convenient for anyone looking to protect their vehicles from the salt, sand and ravages of winter," said Townsend. "Everyone is encouraged to share this address with friends, family, coworkers - everybody needs a car wash and selling them online is easy for everyone," Townsend said.
"Funds raised from this project will be used exclusively to support the needs of the greater Broadalbin-Perth-Mayfield community," emphasized Townsend.
The Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club is part of Lions Clubs International, the largest service club organization in the world. More than 1.4 million members in over 48,000 clubs are serving in 200 countries and geographic areas around the globe. Since 1917, Lions have strengthened local communities through hands-on service and humanitarian projects, and we extend our service impact through the generous support of our Lions ClubsInternational Foundation. We are focused on supporting vision, the environment, childhood cancer, hunger, diabetes and other pressing humanitarian needs to help address some of the biggest challenges facing humanity.
Broadalbin-Perth Lions Foundation Now With AmazonSmile
Broadalbin, N.Y., Nov. 14, 2022 -- The Broadalbin-Perth Lions Foundation, the 501(c)(3) charity of the parent Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club, is now listed with AmazonSmile.
Club President Bob Townsend explained that "AmazonSmile is a simple way to support the Broadalbin-Perth Lions every time one shops on Amazon, at no additional cost. When one shops with AmazonSmile, the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience can be found as on Amazon.com, with the added benefit that AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to the Broadalbin-Perth Lions Foundation which supports a variety of causes within our community. Of course, one can choose from over one million organizations to support, but we're hoping that members of the greater Broadalbin-Perth-Mayfield community will choose our Foundation so that funds donated stay close to home."
To use AmazonSmile, simply go to smile.amazon.com on your web browser or activate AmazonSmile in the Amazon Shopping app on your iOS or Android phone within the Settings or Programs & Features menu. On your web browser, you can add a bookmark to smile.amazon.com to make it even easier to return and start your shopping with AmazonSmile.
Townsend said that when one initiates AmazonSmile and seeks a charitable organization, keying in "Broadalbin-Perth Lions Foundation" will readily appear, and following the prompts will activate the feature. The Broadalbin-Perth Lions have a direct link at https://smile.amazon.com/ch/83-4660720 .This link is also being made available on the Club's Facebook and Twitter pages.
"All funds donated to the Broadalbin-Perth Lions Foundation will be used exclusively to support the needs of the greater Broadalbin-Perth-Mayfield community," emphasized Townsend.
"As we enter the holiday shopping season, the ability to donate to our Foundation without any added pressure can be a blessing for so many. I am grateful to those who can make this arrangement and appreciate their consideration," said Townsend.
Broadalbin-Perth Lions Gather 3000 Glasses and Hearing Aids
Perth, N.Y., Nov. 10, 2022 -- Having filled the attics and garages of members over the course of the pandemic, the Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club sorted through almost two years of donated eyeglasses and hearing aids after conducting their regular business meeting on Nov. 10 at the Perth Town Hall. Nearly 3000 pairs of glasses and 50 hearing aids were separated and packaged in preparation for delivery to a central location at which the appliances will be processed for eventual distribution to communities in need in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
Club President Bob Townsend cited Lions Clubs International Global Causes regarding vision and hearing, saying, "as Lions, we serve to prevent avoidable blindness and improve quality of life for people who are blind and visually impaired. More than a billion people have near-vision impairment simply because they don't have a pair of glasses, and 89% of those live in developing countries. Hearing impairment and deafness are also significant health issues on which Lions around the world are working to raise awareness, bring medical care and provide education."
Broadalbin-Perth Lions, from left, Kirk Hardenburg, Mary Balaban, Tom Kevlin, Bill Suchy, Debbie Murphy, Bob Townsend, Mike Auricchio and Valerie Kevlin prepare to sort through thousands of donated eyeglasses for recycling. Lions have been advocates for the blind and visually impaired since 1925. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Ed Balaban).
Broadalbin-Perth Lions proudly stand behind their work of having sorted through and packaged 3000 sets of donated eyeglasses and 50 hearing aids for recycling for those in need. The appliances will be cleaned and processed, eventually finding their way to the visually and hearing impaired around the world. Sight and hearing preservation are one of several global causes of Lions Clubs International, the world's largest service organization. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Ed Balaban).
District Governor Visits Broadalbin-Perth Lions; New Lions Join Club
Galway, NY, Oct. 27, 2022 -- Lions District 20W Governor Ricky Laurin and his wife, Lion Priscilla, made their official visit to the Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club. The event was held at C&R Restaurant in Galway, and featured an evening of fellowship, frivolity, recognition, and the formal addition of three new members to the Broadalbin-Perth pride.
Lion Priscilla recognized several Club members, acknowledging them with coveted Lions Club International Milestone Chevron Awards for their respective years of service that ranged from 10 to 45 years. By virtue of this recognition it was clearly evident that the Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club is one of the most seasoned and experienced group of Lions in the region.
District Governor Ricky Laurin, who is also President of the Lions Eye Institute and Foundation at Albany, along with Broadalbin-Perth Lion Bill Suchy, who also serves as a director of the Lions Eye Institute and Foundation at Albany, presented the Club with a "Knight of the Blind" certificate and patch, acknowledging the Club's $500 donation to the charity. Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club President Bob Townsend accepted the honor on behalf of the Club.
In his remarks to the Broadalbin-Perth Lions, the District Governor spoke about his experiences growing up in Northern New York, coaching ice hockey, and being a Lion, all of which shared a common thread of caring for one's community. Having already heard about the various service projects, solid fund raising, and deep community involvement of the Broadalbin-Perth Lions, when compared to many of the other 49 clubs in the District, Laurin said, "You guys do more than the average!"
Following his comments, District Governor Laurin inducted three new Lions into the Broadalbin-Perth Club. Lion Tim Munn was sponsored by Lion Tom Kevlin; Lion Susan Phillips was sponsored by Lion Don Savoie; and Lion Don Shanahan was sponsored by Lion Valerie Kevlin.
Lions District 20W Governor Ricky Laurin, center, and Broadalbin-Perth Lions President Bob Townsend, right, discuss the activities, goals, and mission of the Club for the current Lionistic year. At far left is Lion Priscilla Laurin, DG Laurin's partner in service. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Ed Balaban).
Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club President Bob Townsend proudly shows the "Knight of the Blind" patch and certificate awarded the Club by the Lions Eye Institute and Foundation at Albany. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Ed Balaban).
Swelling with pride at the induction of new Lions are, from left, District Governor Ricky Laurin, Lion Susan Phillips and her sponsor Lion Don Savoie, Lion Tim Munn and his sponsor Tom Kevlin, Lion Don Shanahan and his sponsor Lion Valerie Kevlin, and Broadalbin-Perth Lion President Bob Townsend. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Ed Balaban).
Broadalbin-Perth Lions Gather Food and Coin
Broadalbin, NY, Oct. 2, 2022 -- The Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club began their weekend early last Friday morning, Sept. 30, when members met the delivery truck from the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York in Amsterdam. Lions gathered food to be delivered to the Backpack Program at Mayfield Central School. The program provides food to those students who are less fortunate.
The following morning, Saturday, Oct. 1, Lions took station at the intersection of Main Street and Second Avenue in the Village of Broadalbin to conduct their annual Coin Drop. Lions safely greeted vehicles at each of the streets approaching the intersection and owing to the well publicized event, received donations estimated to be around $2000. The funds will be used to support Club endeavors that support the greater Broadalbin-Perth-Mayfield community.
Broadalbin-Perth Lions Bill Suchy, left, and Tom Kevlin, right, pick up their Club's share of food from the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York. The Lions delivered the food to Mayfield Central School in support of that school's Backpack Program which provides food to less fortunate students. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Ed Balaban).
Broadalbin-Perth Lions Valerie Kevlin, foreground, and Don Savoie, express their gratitude to drivers as contributions were generously made during the Lions' annual Coin Drop in the Village of Broadalbin. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Ed Balaban).
Lion Debbie Murphy of the Broadalbin-Perth Lions receives a contribution from a passing driver during the Club's annual Coin Drop. Working the four streets of the intersection in the Village of Broadalbin, an estimated $2000 was donated to the Club which will be used to support Club endeavors that support the greater Broadalbin-Perth-Mayfield community. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Ed Balaban).
Broadalbin-Perth Lions Support Fall Youth Soccer
Broadalbin, NY, Sept. 18, 2022 -- The Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club kicked off the fall soccer season this weekend with the opening of their concession tent at the Town Athletic Fields in support of the Broadalbin Youth Commission. This years long community service/fund raising project has provided parents and players with much needed refreshments and snacks during the Saturday morning contests. The season will last until late October.
Broadalbin-Perth Lions, from left, Valerie Kevlin, Mary Balaban, Bob Townsend and Mike Auricchio were on hand to staff the concession tent this weekend at the start of the Broadalbin Youth Commission's fall soccer season at the Town Athletic Fields. The BP Lions turn out every Saturday during the spring and fall seasons to sell refreshments and snacks to parents and players. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Ed Balaban).
Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club Installs New Officers
New 2022-23 leadership team of the Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club includes, from left, President Bob Townsend, Immediate Past President and incoming Lion Tamer Bill Suchy, Vice President Ed Balaban, Secretary Valerie Kevlin, Treasurer Tom Kevlin, and Lion Tail Twister Don Savoie. Past District Governor Linda Rhinehart, seated, officiated the installation procedures. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Mary Balaban).
Broadalbin-Perth Lions Recognize Community Service Standouts
B-P Lions Club Vice President and Master of Ceremonies Bob Townsend, left, congratulates Mayfield Central School 10th grader Audrey Hart, right, on her participation in the Hugh O'Brien Youth (HOBY) Leadership development program. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Ed Balaban).
B-P Lions Club President Bill Suchy, left, presents Broadalbin-Perth High School senior Shelby Fenton, right, with a $1500 check and certificate recognizing her community service. Fenton will be attending Syracuse University and hopes to be a doctor. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Ed Balaban).
Mayfield Central School senior Kelsey Meca, left, receives a $1500 check and certificate recognizing her community service from B-P Lions President Bill Suchy, right. Meca will be attending SUNY Polytechnic Institute in Utica and plans to become a nurse parctitioner. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Ed Balaban).
Broadalbin Youth Commission member Keith Buchanan, left, and Mayfield Central School elementary teacher Mary Swart, right, stand with B-P Lions Club Vice President Bob Townsend upon being honored with the Robert J. Uplinger Distinguished Service Award. The award is given to Lions and non-Lions who personify the highest examples of Lionistic character, and is presented as a recognition of the recipient's service. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Ed Balaban).
Broadalbin-Perth Lions Dedicate Town Park Pavilion at
"Field of Dreams"
Broadalbin Youth Commission Board Member and Fundraising Coordinator Keith Buchanan, left, expresses his gratitude to Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club President Bill Suchy, right, for the Club's $20,000 contribution to the town's "Field of Dreams". (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Ed Balaban)
Broadalbin-Perth Lions proudly pose in front of the Lions Pavilion at the Town of Broadalbin's Family Recreational Park at the structure's dedication ceremony on June 5. (Photo courtesy Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club/Lion Ed Balaban)

Broadalbin-Perth Lions go live at WENT Radio for Lions Club Radio Day
Members of the Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club joined WENT Radio's Tim Murphy for Lions Club Radio Day on May 14. Club members solicited ads from more than 40 local area businesses and read those ads on the air while discussing aspects of Lionism with host Murphy. Proceeds from the ads go to the B-P Lions Foundation which funds ongoing projects and programs in the greater Broadalbin-Perth-Mayfield community.
In the WENT studio, from left, are Broadalbin-Perth Lions President Bill Suchy, air personality Tim Murphy, and Lion Tom Kevlin. The Lions went "live" at the Gloversville, N.Y. AM/FM station to read ads from more than 40 local area businesses and discuss Lionism on May 14. (Photo courtesy B-P Lions/Lion Ed Balaban)
Broadalbin-Perth Lions, from left, Bob Townsend, Debbie Murphy, and Val Kevlin staffed the Club's concession operation at the opening of the Broadalbin Youth Commission's Spring Soccer season on May 7 at the Town of Broadalbin Athletic Fields, Broadalbin, NY. (Photo courtesy B-P Lions/Lion Ed Balaban)

Broadalbin-Perth Lions, from left, Don Savoie, Kirk Hardenburg, Pamela Brooks, Debbie Murphy, Club President Bill Suchy (seated), Tim Munn, and Mary Balaban gather during a quieter moment at the Fulton-Montgomery County Home and Craft Show at Broadalbin-Perth High School on May 1. The Lions operated the food concession and conducted a raffle for a pair of Adirondack chairs. Sales from the concession and raffle donations amounted to more than $2000 after costs. All proceeds go to the Broadalbin-Perth Lions Foundation, a 501(c)3 charity. (Photo courtesy B-P Lions/Lion Ed Balaban).
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