(Details of this collage can be found at the bottom of the page.)


Helping at the 2017 Special Olympics and supporting the wonderful and dedicated athletes and their families, and more locally the entrance to the Malvern Hills Lions "It's a Knock Out" arena. The theme was "Musicals". More details and pictures can be found on the "Helping the Community" page of this site. Left. Presenting around £900 worth of computer equipment to the Tribe Community Interest Company. A group who meet at the Cube Malvern. It was expected that the equipment would benefit around 200 young people a week, and give them IT experience and an opportunity to produce anything from posters, to making and editing videos. Centre. Receiving a cheque from part of the proceeds of a Cheese and Wine evening held at a local Vineyard and run by Malvern Bed and Breakfast Consortium. A cheque for the same amount was also presented to the local Friends of Malvern ChildLine. Right. Father Christmas being honoured by a visit from "Snow White" and her family during his stop off at the local Morrison store over the days running up to Christmas
Malvern Hills Lions Club
Malvern Hills Lions Club is a charitable organization that aims to help individuals and organizations in need of support or assistance. In particular, we aim to help locally, but do provide assistance both nationally and internationally.
The club was formed and chartered in 1975. It is one of the clubs that make up the International Association of Lions Clubs or Lions Clubs International, which was founded in Chicago in 1917. The organizations' motto is "We Serve". It's Mission statement is "To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions Club's". A more detailed history of Lions Clubs International can be found on the "Who are We?" page of this site.
The club has both male and female members drawn from a wide spectrum of backgrounds. The club is always in need of people who are willing to organize events and are not afraid to hold a can at a collection or help at any of the club's many events. To see what the club does and how it raises money look at the "Fund Raising and Helping the Community" pages of this site.
The running costs of the club are borne entirely from members' subscriptions, raffles at club meetings and club social events. Socially members get together for a variety of events. They also attend events run by other Lions Clubs in the area.
If you are interested, have a look at the "Can I Join ?" page of this site and come along to one of the club's meetings. A warm welcome is always offered to potential new members and visitors.
The clubs Charitable Trust Fund Registered Charity number is 1055857.
Header Pictures. The Priory dominates the town. Some parts of it are Norman and date back to 1085. The light in the same picture is one of many gas lamps still in working order around the town. It is said that C.S.Lewis was inspired by them when he was writing " The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe", the first book in the "Chronicles of Nania" series.
Some parts of the hills are Pre-Cambrian and date back more than 600 million years.
The blue and white stripes represent the water Malvern is famous for. It has been used both for drinking and as a health treatment. It is said that the Queen takes Malvern water with her when she travels abroad. Coca Cola have recently closed their Malvern water bottling plant but there are other suppliers in the area.
The Morgan Motor Company is one of the oldest car companies in the world and has recently re-launch a three wheel model for which it was first famous.
The statue is of the composer Elgar. It looks over the town. Elgar wrote a lot of his work whilst living in Malvern. He is buried at Malvern Wells.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.